Page 209 of Saving Soul

She was never this wild before me. She had too much responsibility, too many worries, and a lifetime of trauma to truly enjoy life. Knowing I was partially to blame for that, I’d made it my life’s mission to take away the weight that smothered her soul. She deserved so much more, and I was going to give it to her.

With a light jog, I caught up, grasping her hand as she dangled her toes in the pool. “What are you not telling me right now?” I ran my hand down her waist, pausing above her hip as my heartbeat accelerated. “Are you…?”

She ran her tongue over her lip before biting it. “Yes.”

My arms dropped to my sides, and Cassidy dove into the water, barely making a splash.

I slowly rotated to the pool, completely speechless. “You’re pregnant?” I asked in a whisper once her head bobbed out of the water.

Her eyes twinkled under the moonlight. “I am.”

As my heart threatened to burst and tears flooded my eyes, I tore off my shoes and shirt and dove into the water. I scooped her up and pressed my lips to hers as we broke the surface.

She cackled deliriously. “So, you’re happy, then?”

“Are you kidding?” My head fell heavenward. “I’m ecstatic.” I lowered my hands to her stomach, still stunned. “How far along are you?”

“The doc says eight weeks.”

“Eight weeks?! And you’re only telling me now?”

“I only took the test a few days ago,” she retorted with a kiss to my lips. “I’ve been so busy volunteering at the nursing home and planning all of this that I didn’t realize I’d missed my period until I was packing for our honeymoon. Up until yesterday, I was still convinced the initial pregnancy test was wrong.”

“What happened yesterday?”

“The doc wanted me to have a sonogram before we left for the Maldives—to make sure everything was okay.”

Fear trickled down my spine. There was so much I didn’t know, so much I didn’t have control over. “And is it? Are you okay? And the baby?”

Warmth radiated from her smile. “Everything is perfect.”

“I would’ve come with you.”

“I know.” She sighed. “But with everything going on with your work in preparation for your sabbatical, I didn’t want you under any more pressure, especially if it was a false positive.”

“Babe, if it has to do with you and our family, I want to know.”

“I didn’t want to freak you out.”

“Freak out? I’m over the fucking moon, Cassidy. I’ve just become a husband and a dad…and now you’re telling me we’re having a baby?”

“See…” She poked my chest. “You’re freaking out.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. “I promise you, I’m not. I may be a little overwhelmed, but I’m not freaking out. I want this, Cassidy. I want everything with you.”

She ran the back of her fingers down my cheek. “I’m glad I’m not the only one dealing with all these emotions right now. Isn’t it exhausting?”

“Is that why you jumped into the pool?” I pressed my hand into the small of her back so our bodies wouldn’t drift apart. “To recharge?”

“These days…” She hooked her arms around my neck until her glorious breasts pressed up against my chest. “I only have to look into your eyes to regain my strength.”

As I gazed down at her, I couldn’t believe this girl existed. Never in a million years could I have dreamt her up. Beautiful inside and out, intelligent, empathetic, spiritual, and a fucking gift to mankind. I didn’t deserve someone like her, but fuck, I’d never stop trying.

I barely let a month slip by before I popped the question on our private beach in Malibu, just like I promised Gramps. It was her 30thbirthday, and with Finn’s and her father’s eager blessing, I dropped to one knee and bared my soul. She was hesitant at first, telling me it was too soon, but once she spied her son nodding encouragingly from his bedroom window, she burst into tears and threw her arms around me with a definite yes. It was the happiest day of my life…until now.

I pressed my forehead to hers. “I fucking love you, Cassidy Harlow-Ryan.”

“I fucking love you, too.”