Page 155 of Saving Soul

Finn shrugged. “I guess so.”

“He must’ve been a great guy to win over a girl like your mom.”

“I suppose so,” Finn uttered with an awkward giggle.

“Did your dad ever get to see you swim?” Adam picked up the framed photo from my bedside. It was taken after Finn had won his first swimming race, a year after Dominic passed.

“Not competitively.”

“Well, I think he’d be pretty damn proud of you. Only the best of the best make the finals.”

“Are you really going to come watch?” Finn asked, peering up at Adam.

“Of course. I can’t wait.”

“Good. You can stop Mom from embarrassing me.”

Adam’s eyebrows pulled together. “How does she embarrass you?”

“Oh my God, she’s the loudest screamer.”

As blood burst into my cheeks, I stepped out of the bathroom as Adam erupted into a fit of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, narrowing my gaze at Adam and his dirty mind.

“Oh, nothing.” He caught his breath. “Just boy stuff.”

I pursed my lips before approaching the bed. “Okay, Finn, say goodnight. You need to be asleep before Santa comes, or he won’t leave any presents.”

“Yeah, yeah, Mom.” Finn rolled his eyes before rolling over. “Goodnight, Adam…and Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, buddy,” Adam said before turning to leave. His gaze followed the curve of my body under my silk pajamas. “And don’t worry about Santa.” His grin grew. “I’ll make sure he stops by.” His eyes burned into mine, saying so much more than words. “Goodnight, Cassidy.”

“Goodnight, Adam,” I forced out of my breathless state. “And Merry Christmas.”

Once Finn’s steady breaths confirmed he was in a deep sleep, I closed my novel and placed it on my nightstand. I tiptoed over to my hidden stash of gifts, bundled them into my arms, and made my way out of the room and down the staircase.

As I crept around the corner of the living room, I slammed straight into a hard mass and stumbled backwards. “What the fu—”

Adam pressed his finger to my lips. “Shhh.”

My eyes widened. “What are you doing down here?”

“Playing Santa.”

My shoulders sank. “You don’t have to do that.” I moved to the mantel. “I’ve got some things.”

He eyed my hands. “Like?”

“Some candy for his stocking…and new swimming goggles.”

Adam’s brow shadowed his eyes, but he said nothing.

“I know it’s lame, but I’m on a budget.”

“They’re not lame.”

“Oh yeah?” I placed my hand on my hip. “What did you get him?”