Page 126 of Saving Soul

“I’m sure he’s brilliant at everything.”Particularly in bed.

“Yes, but stubborn in his methods. The boy puts too much pressure on himself to be like his father instead of paving his own way.”

“Has he always been like that?”

“Ever since puberty. The cheeky, playful boy I knew morphed into his father’s right-hand man. At least Betty and I had him for the summers to soften him up.”

“Ugh, I’m dreading those teenage years. It’s a daunting time for a single mom with a son.”

“You’ll be fine.” Liam emitted a husky laugh. “They come out good.”

As if on cue, Adam walked in and perched himself on the window seat on the other side of Liam.

“Mostly,” Liam continued, smiling at his grandson. “I’m still waiting to see how this one turns out.”

“What turns out?” Adam’s gaze zigzagged between us.

“Cassidy was just telling me about her son.”

“Oh.” His eyes softened when they met mine.

Liam watched us curiously. “I’d love to see a photo, if you have one.”

“Um…yeah.” I pulled my phone from my back pocket and swiped to a recent picture of him with a basketball tucked under his arm.

Liam squinted as I held it in front of him. “Oh, he’s handsome.”

Adam leaned forward to see the photo. “He has your eyes,” he said, not even looking up to compare. “The girls are going to swarm on him in a few years.”

“What?” My mouth dropped. “No.”

Liam and Adam laughed.

“Girls aren’t even on his radar.”

“Oh, they will be.” Adam continued to snicker.

“Argh, stop.” I shoved my phone away. “I don’t want to think about it.”

“If he’s anything like my grandsons…”

I blocked my ears. “I think it’s time for breakfast,” I yelled over their voices. “I’ll go tell Max you’re ready.”

As their laughter followed me down the hall, I smiled in relief. Liam wasn’t angry about Finn, and Adam didn’t appear to be holding any grudges. With Finn ecstatic at the possibility of going to camp and moving into a house with a backyard, I felt hopeful for the first time in years. I could make this work. I could finally turn our dreams into reality. I just had to push through my heartache to get there.

That afternoon, Max escorted me back to the drawing room where Caroline and William stood with the rest of the family, awaiting my decision. Their suitcases sat beside the front door, awaiting their next adventure—Italy, apparently.

“So…” Caroline’s brow arched as I entered the room. She was holding Harrison, and for the first time since I met her, she looked human.

Neither Adam, Grayson, nor Josie met my gaze as I peered around the room. They’d already anticipated my answer. “I’ve decided to accept your offer.”

“Smart girl,” Caroline uttered with a nod. “We’ll adjust your wages once your three months has lapsed.”

“Thank you.”

“And we’ll see you at Christmas.” She kissed the top of Harrison’s head before passing him over to her husband. “Max will look after anything you need.”

William welcomed Harrison into his arms before meeting my gaze. “Thank you, Cassidy,” he said with unexpected warmth. “I’m at ease knowing my father is in good hands.”