Page 98 of Saving Soul

“Then tell him you’ve changed you mind,” Nora shot back. “You’re a woman. You have every right to do so.”

“It’s really not a good time for me to get involved with anyone.”

“Nonsense. When I met my husband, I was unemployed, studying, and caring for my dying mother. Youwantthe right person to come along at the wrong time, because then you’ll know if they’re the real deal.”

“I suppose…”

“And how wrong can you go with a doctor?”

“I guess…” But my heart wasn’t in it.

“Unless you’re waiting for someone else to get their act together and ask you out?”

My head spun to hers. “What? No.”

“Okay.” She lifted her hands with a laugh. “Then, get out of those sweat pants and put on a pretty dress. Marc will be here in a few hours.”

I dropped my gaze to my casual attire. “But I like my sweats.”

“Darling, if you’re not wearing something nice by the time he arrives, I’ll be forced to enlist Liam to persuade Marc to ask you out again.”

“Fine,” I grumbled on my way out of the room. “But if this goes badly, it’s on you.”

“If it goes badly, he was never the right man to begin with.”

While the sun rose, I showered, then rummaged through my closet. I didn’t have an array of options, so I settled on the knit dress I wore for Thanksgiving. Apart from the glamorous number Adam bought me for Melanie’s wedding and the green dress I wore for my interview(that Adam promptly tore off),I decided this was the safest option.

“Oh, Cassidy, you look beautiful.” Liam’s eyes lit up as I walked into the dining room. “Isn’t she a vision, Adam?”

He cleared his throat after a moment’s pause. “Yes.”

“Thank you.” The heat in my cheeks deepened as I approached the only available table setting, right next to Adam.

With a stern look from his grandfather, Adam flustered out of his chair and pulled out mine. “Here.”

“Oh, thanks.” I was amused by his chivalry, which was clearly for his grandfather’s benefit.

While Liam looked on approvingly, Max brought out various platters of breakfast options, and my stomach rumbled on sight.

“How was the sunrise?” I asked, trying to disguise the growl.

“Glorious as always.” Liam’s eyes glazed over. “The perfect way to start the day.”

“I can think of better ways.” Adam reached for the eggs as I added a pile of bacon to my plate, purposely grazing my arm in the process.

“Adam’s not a morning person.” Liam picked at his scrambled eggs, completely oblivious to the sexual innuendo, while Max hovered close by. Liam was a proud man, and Max would only help him with his food if asked.

“I prefer sunsets.” Adam sipped his juice before licking the residue off his lip. “I’m more about finales than beginnings. I find them much more…satisfying.”

“That’s why Harlow Corp. is so successful,” Liam continued as if having an entirely different conversation. “Adam takes struggling businesses and builds them up.”

“At what cost, though?” I narrowed my gaze at Adam. “I don’t remember my sister being too excited when Harlow Corp. took overMaudemagazine.”

“Well, it worked out in her favor.”

“Not everyone’s,” I mumbled under my breath. Amy called me every night in tears over their ruthless layoffs. I could only imagine Adam being the instigator.

“You can’t save them all, Cassidy.”