Page 96 of Saving Soul

“Don’t be ridiculous.” My stomach somersaulted. “This is purely a case of wanting what you can’t have. This may be the first time it’s happened to you, but I assure you, once you know who I really am, you’ll run a mile.”

“You really don’t think much of me, do you?”

“That’s not true. I think there’s a lot going on in that head of yours…you just filter the important stuff.” My tired gaze met his. “There’s more to life than work and sex, you know?”

He ran his hand over the water, watching the ripple trail his fingers. “I don’t have time for much else.”

“Andthatis one of thethousandreasons why I can’t do this with you.”

“Even if I can make you forget those reasons?” he asked, angling his gaze with a playful smirk.

“Look,” I uttered with a sigh. “My life is super complicated right now, and when—or if—I decide to let another man in, it will be because he wants to wade through the mess with me, not because he can fuck me into oblivion.”

“But we could have fun while you’re waiting.” He ran his tongue across his bottom lip. “It may be a while.”

I grasped the ladder before climbing it. “It’s not like I don’t have options, Adam,” I grumbled as I marched over to the pile of towels nearby.

“Oh yeah, like who?”

“Marc, for one,” I shot back, wrapping the towel around my body.


My gaze whipped to his onyx eyes, seething at his jealousy. “Yes.The doctor.”

“Don’t you fucking dare.”

His anger only amplified mine, but I endeavored to keep my composure as I turned to leave. “Enjoy your swim, Adam. I’ll see you next week.”


Before dawn the next morning, I shuffled down the hall in my socks and peeked into Liam’s room.

“Good morning, Cassidy,” Adam said without lifting his gaze from the chessboard.

My heart raced as I casually strode across the room to Liam’s alternate side. “What are you still doing here? Don’t you have to get back for work?”

Liam tapped the top of his chess piece with pursed lips, saying nothing. He was too focused on his next move.

“I promised Gramps I’d finish our game before I left.”

“Andthenyou’re leaving?”

Adam clasped his hands as he leaned back in his chair. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“We…have a routine, that’s all.”

“Don’t fret, Cassidy.” Liam moved his queen. “Adam will be gone in approximately three moves. Then you’ll have me all to yourself.”

I turned to Liam, ignoring his grandson’s adorable chuckle. “Did you still want to watch the sunrise today?”

Adam checked his watch, then carefully maneuvered the chessboard to the side table. “I’ll take him today…since I’m here and all.”

Liam’s chortled. “Stalling the inevitable, as usual.”

“Well, since I’ll be gone intwomoves, why not spend a little extra time together?”

“In that case…can we watch it from the drawing room? I always feel closer to Betty there.”