Page 89 of Saving Soul

“Don’t you think we have enough money?” Adam asked, exasperated.

“Nonsense. You need to keep growing, especially when you’re losing money.”

Adam’s hands turned white as he grasped his cutlery. “I lost one business, Dad,” he growled. “One!”

“And it wasn’t even his fault,” Grayson added.

“Keep out of this,” Adam snapped back at his brother.

Grayson raised his hands as he leaned back in his chair, raising his eyebrows at his wife.

“But he’s right.” Adam turned back to his father. “Your belovedCraigscrewed up that contract.”

Liam cleared his throat. “Alright, boys. That’s enough business talk at the table.”

William snarled. “And you didn’t review it?!”

“Forgive me, but I haven’t exactly had time since doubling the size of Harlow Corp in twelve months.”

“And you clearly can’t handle it,” William uttered. “I’ll come in next week and—”

“And what?! Save the day? Believe it or not, I have it sorted.”

“Tell me how. Because the way I see it, you’re in way over your head.”

“You can read about it in the papers, like everyone else.”

William’s eyes flared. “I have a right to know.”

“Actually, you don’t. It’s not your company anymore.”

“How dare you speak to me like that. I made you.”

Adam dropped his knife and fork as rage tore up his neck while Liam lowered his shaking head.

“Stop!” I slammed my hands onto the table before standing. “Adam. Mr. Harlow. Come with me, please.”

“I don’t take orders from you,” William spat.

Liam glared at his son. “You will today, William.”

The entire room grew silent as I stormed out of the double doors and down the hall. Once I was confident we were out of earshot. I spun around to face the grown men who were grumbling like sullen teenagers.

“This is the last Thanksgiving you’lleverspend with Liam. Do you think this is what he wants? For the first timein weeks,he’s able to come downstairs and share a meal with his entire family, and you sit there, throwing heartless words around like it means nothing.” Tears stung my eyes as my anger piqued. “I won’t have it. You either get along for the duration of this meal, or I’ll take Liam back to his room.”

Adam ran his fingers through his hair with a grimace. “Cassidy’s right, Dad. We shouldn’t be arguing about work while we’re here.”

Without uttering a word, William offered us a curt nod before whirling around on his heel and trudging back into the dining room.

Adam’s shoulders slumped once his father was gone. “Cass…I’m sor—”

“God, your dad’s a dick,” I blurted, interrupting his apology.

His entire face lit up. “Pardon?”

“I’m sorry.” I drew in a deep breath in an effort to cool down. “That was completely out of line.”

Adam grasped his chest as he laughed. “Are you kidding?Thatwas hot.”