Page 88 of Saving Soul

He kissed his mother’s cheek before turning to his father, but William didn’t rise from the table, or look at his son.

While Caroline flustered over Adam, my gaze tracked to Josie, who motioned me over to the seat between her and Liam. Eyeing the most festive array of Thanksgiving foods I’d ever seen, I moved around the table to join them.

Caroline’s eyes grew large when her gaze caught mine. “What are you doing?”

My entire body tensed under her unrelenting glare.

“Cassidy is my guest, Caroline,” Liam snapped, unnervingly stern. “And you will not say another word about it.”

Her nose raised as she sank into her chair. “Very well.”

“I’d like to start with a toast.” Liam lifted a glass in his trembling hand. “I wasn’t expecting to make it this far, let alone be sitting here for Thanksgiving dinner, and I have one special person to thank for that.” He leaned into my side. “Cassidy, you’ve given me the most precious gift of all. Time.”

My cheeks warmed as everyone’s gazes panned my way, some warm, some cold, and the one directly opposite…completely unreadable.

“To Cassidy!” Grayson called out as he held up his drink.

Josie, Liam, and Adam followed, leaving Caroline and William shifting in their chairs with agitation.

Adam and Grayson winced as they swallowed the champagne.

Josie laughed. “I told you two to go out for a few drinks…not all of them.”

“Hey, I stopped early,” Grayson said defensively. “Adam’s the one who doesn’t know when to quit.”

Adam’s eyes traveled to mine and smirked. “I clearly have more reasons to drink.”

Grayson followed his gaze but said nothing.

“So, Adam…” their mother interrupted. “I heard your date with Staci went well last week.”

Adam pressed his lips together as Max placed his dinner in front of him. “Thanks, Max,” he said as if his mother hadn’t spoken. “This looks great.”

“You’re very well suited,” she continued, oblivious to his brush-off.

Adam picked up his fork before placing it back down with a huff. “And why is that exactly?”

Caroline ran her finger over the rim of the champagne flute. “Well, she’s attractive…”

Adam winced.

“And she…”

“Has money?” Adam turned to his mother, clearly bored. “Because her personality definitely isn’t a selling point.”

“Adam…” Caroline sighed. “Staci understands the world we live in. Most women don’t.”

“She may even look the other way with your…indiscretions,” William added.

I almost choked.

Adam’s face grew red. “Thanks for the relationship advice, but I don’t plan on following in your footsteps.”

Caroline gasped. “Your father and I are very happy.”

“Clearly,” Adam muttered before pouring the entire contents of his glass down his throat.

William wiped the sides of his mouth with his napkin. “Adam, the Warner family is worth almost as much as the Warrens. I think it would be wise to reconsider.”