Page 87 of Saving Soul

“We’re a team, you and I, and we’ll get through this, just like everything else.”

“At least you’ll be home for Christmas,” he said with eyes full of optimism.

The pressure in my chest increased. Although my contract ended mid-December, the fine print stated it may extend if Liam lived beyond his expected time. The thought of Christmas without my son tore at my heart, but so did the notion of this wonderful old man passing away without the peace I could bring him.

I smiled through my angst as Finn’s name was called to dinner. “You better go, Finny, before Aunty Amy steals all the mac and cheese.”

His eyes tapered. “She wouldn’t.”

“Remember last year?”

“I gotta go! Love you, Mom.”

“Love you, too, Finn.”

Once Finn ended the call, my smile faded. While my family was delving into an array of glorious Thanksgiving platters, I felt like I was preparing for war. Although I loved Liam’s company, and Grayson and Josie were friendly, the rest of the Harlows were problematic. And if Josie’s prediction was correct, I had to be ready to diffuse the ticking time bomb.

Just before seven, there was a knock on my door. I hurriedly straightened my sweater dress and tore my hair from my mom-bun, letting the waves cascade over my shoulders.

“Liam, I said I’d come to you.” I swung open the door, annoyed that he’d somehow ventured down the hall on his own.

Adam stole my breath as he stood before me in slacks and a shirt with rolled-up sleeves. His blond hair was combed back, still damp from the shower.

“Oh, it’s you.”

Adam lifted his tired gaze. “Sorry to disappoint you, but Gramps asked me to escort you to dinner.”

My brows raised as I closed the door behind me. “I’m more surprised you made it out of bed.”

“The pain-killer fairy helped out with that one.” He rubbed his cleanly shaven jawline. “Thank you, by the way. The next few hours are going to be brutal.”

I grimaced internally as I continued down the hall.

“About last night…” Adam caught up in a few easy steps. “I’m pretty sure I said some inappropriate things.”

“You’ve said worse sober.”

“Right. Well, I want to apologize.”

My head recoiled. “Oh, really?”

“Not for everything.” His grin grew wide and incredibly sexy. “Only for what I can’t remember.”

Trying not to smile, I made my way down the stairs but slowed when Adam didn’t follow. “Are you coming?” I asked, turning back.

“Yeah.” He stalled again in the grand hallway when William Harlow’s distinct voice sounded beyond the dining room doors.

“You haven’t seen them yet, have you?” I understood his apprehension.

Adam’s jaw twitched as he shook his head.

“Come on.” I tugged his hand. “If I can walk in there, so can you.”

Once we reached the double doors, they suddenly flew open, giving us no time to gather our senses. With a gasp, I pulled my hand from Adam’s and smiled sheepishly at Max as he stepped aside.

“Mother, Father.” Adam strolled into the room, seemingly clear of worry.

His mother wrapped her arms around his stiff body. “Adam, darling. We’ve missed you.”