Page 68 of Saving Soul

“Thanks,” I uttered, trying to draw a breath.

The corner of his mouth rose as he picked up the next glass and poured.

“Alright, shove over.” Amy pushed Adam aside. “You’re taking too long…and where’s the music? Driver!”

With a chuckle, Adam took the glass he’d filled and rolled onto the seat next to me while Amy filled the cabin with noise. His alluringly sweet cologne, slightly heavier than his usual scent, had me drawing closer.

Adam tipped his glass toward mine. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” I clinked my glass against his and brought it to my mouth. Not seeing any movement beside me, I peeked over to find his eyes glued to my mouth.

I licked the sweetness off my bottom lip. “Why aren’t you drinking?”

“I’m pacing myself…you should, too.”

“Weddings take a lot out of me.” I held up my glass. “This helps.”

Something flickered through his energy—empathy, perhaps. “Because they remind you of Dominic?”

“I wish it were that simple.”

Without elaborating, I listened to the animated conversation between Josie and Amy. They’d been best friends for years, and their constant banter reminded me of my relationship with Tash. I missed her.

“We’re here,” Adam said, drawing me out of my homesick trance.

Everyone was already piling out, leaving Adam waiting beside me.

“You okay?” He tilted his head to search my face. “Because we can ditch this thing—”

“No!” I pulled him out by the sleeve of his jacket. “We’re going to have fun.”

Once we caught up to the others, I peered up at Melanie and Scott’s house, taking in all its Hamptons glory. It was big and beautiful and, to my delight, on the beach.

Josie took the stroller through the front door while we followed the flaming torches around the side of the house.

Amy flashed me an excited grin. “It’s your dream house.”

I ripped off my shoes and spread my toes in the sand. “Anything by the ocean is my dream.”

She squeezed my hand. “You’ll get there.”

“Beachside apartments in LA are a little out of my budget, Ames.”

Adam’s gaze shot to mine. “You’re moving to LA?”

“That’s the plan—once I have enough saved and find a job, that is.” I emitted a nervous laugh. “IfI find a job.”

“Don’tyoulive in LA?” Amy asked Adam. “Maybe you could ask around…and be Cassidy’s reference?”


“Of course I will,” he said, before his brow lowered. “Although, I don’t think I know many people in need of a death doula, which is a good thing…I guess.”

“Thatisa good thing. But I’ll probably go back to waitressing anyway.”

Adam stopped walking. “Waitressing?”

“Jobs like these don’t come around often,” I said, slowing my steps. “So, I’ll need something to pay the bills in the meantime.”