Page 53 of Saving Soul

“It’s none of your concern.”

“Alright.” Grayson dropped his shoulders. “It’s your business, not mine.”

I panned my gaze between them but said nothing. It wasn’t my business either.

“So, where’s Josie?” Adam was clearly trying to deflect.

“In our room, trying to get Harry to sleep. She’ll be up soon.”

“Did you ask her about Thanksgiving?”

“Yep.” Grayson grinned. “We’re coming.”

“Are you sure?” Adam appeared surprised. “I know it’s a hard time for her.”

“She’s adamant about making new memories for our son.”

My heart dipped. This would be my first Thanksgiving without mine.

“And Mom and Dad are coming, too,” Grayson murmured like it would go unnoticed.

Adam took a long sip of his wine to hide his grimace. “Wonderful.”

A dramatic sigh filled the room, drawing our attention. “He’s finally asleep!” Josie placed the baby monitor on the coffee table. “Hi, Cass.” She smiled my way before nodding at her brother-in-law. “Adam.”

“Hi, Josie.” I reflected her warm energy. “How’s your gorgeous boy?”

“Five minutes ago, or now?”

I laughed. “They’re always angels when they’re sleeping.”

“It’s the weirdest thing. You want them to go to sleep so badly, but once they do, you want to pick them up and squish their little cheeks.”

Grayson reached for his wife’s hand and pulled her onto his lap.

“You can sit here if you want,” I said, realizing there were no chairs left. “I need to check in on Liam anyway.”

“Oh, I just did. He’s fast asleep. Mrs. Fredrich said he’ll be out til morning.” Josie nodded to my glass. “Stay and chat.” She leaned back into her husband’s arms. “I’m happy here.”

“Okay, but just for a little while.” Envy washed over me as Grayson toyed with Josie’s hair. Their connection was undeniable. “I need to go to bed early. Liam loves watching the sun rise.”

“So, that’s where Harry gets it from,” Grayson said as he kissed his wife’s cheek.

“Well, I hope he’s the replica of your grandfather,” she replied. “I’ve never met a nicer man.”

“I concur.” I lifted my glass. “There aren’t many like him these days.”

Josie smiled softly before turning to Adam. “So, are you coming up every weekend now?”

Grayson smirked at his brother. “Apparently, he never left.”

Josie’s eyes traveled to mine, then back to Adam. “You spent the entire week here?”

Adam scowled. “So what if I did?”

“So, nothing.” Josie raised her hands. “We’re going to try to get up here more, too. Did Gray tell you the good news?”

“Oh God, you’re not pregnant again, are you?”