Page 51 of Saving Soul

“Oh, Finny!” I gushed. “Congratulations!”

My father’s face popped onto the screen. “Andalrightdoesn’t even begin to describe how well my grandson swam today.”

“Hey, Dad, thanks for being there.”

With an uneasy nod, he ruffed up Finn’s hair. “I’ll let you two talk.”

As my father walked away, I shook off the sadness of what our relationship could have been. I would’ve loved to forgive and forget, like my sister had, but we both knew there was more healing to do. Until then, his redemption was my son. Since moving into my father’s home, he’d made every effort to be there for him, attended every important event, and offered Finn the guidance he craved.

While Finn dove into a descriptive play by play of the race, I smiled and laughed at his impeccable storytelling until there was a knock on the door.

“I have to go,” I whispered. “I’ll speak to you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay, love you,” he said with a wave.

“I love you, too.” I blew him a kiss before ending the call, then made my way to the door.

“Who are you talking to?” Adam glanced into my room as I swung open the door.

“Oh.” My face burned as I took off my headphones. How loud had I been talking?“I was just on a call…with a friend…”

“I thought you had a visitor.”

I scoffed. “Like who? I don’t know anyone in the Hamptons.”

He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Right…well, Gramps would like to speak with you.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, he has some project he wants your help with. He wouldn’t tell me any more.”

“Sounds mysterious.” I stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind me.

“He may be ninety, but his brain doesn’t rest.”

I met his gaze with a soft smile. “Sounds like that runs in the family.”

Adam dipped his head with a chuckle before turning into his bedroom. “On that note, I have work to do. Tell Gramps I’ll see him later.”

Liam’s secret project involved searching through old photo albums to create a book of memories to give each family member after his passing. It was a beautiful idea, and I was happy to help.

Once Liam started to tire, I carried the albums back to the library and left them on the coffee table, ready to pick up again on Monday. The trip down memory lane was an emotional roller-coaster for Liam, so we had to take it slow. Grayson, Josie, and Harrison were due to arrive at any moment, and he needed to preserve his energy.

While he rested, I searched the internet for quality do-it-yourself photobooks until Adam strolled into the room, carrying a glass of wine in each hand.

I closed my laptop. “I’m working, Adam.”

“It’s Friday night. You’re off the clock.”

I checked the time, then stared at the wine, almost salivating. “Fine,” I muttered, delicately removing the glass from his fingers.

Adam grinned. “You’ll like this one.”

“Oh yeah? What vintage?”


I smirked. “So, I’m guessing you’re…thirty-three?”