Page 3 of Saving Soul

My chest constricted as a surge of electricity rushed straight to my core.Wow.I glanced around the bar for prying eyes, but it was far too dark and crowded for anyone to notice his hand’s deviant adventures.

He rotated his stool until my side was encased by his large frame. “Because I can help with that,” he whispered into my ear as he rested his right arm across the back of my chair.

“I—” my voice caught as his left hand slid over my bare leg.

He grasped my thigh as his gaze locked on mine. “You can stop me anytime. Just say the word.”

Not daring to say any word that may hinder his movements, I tipped more champagne into my mouth.

His eyes trailed after my tongue, as it glided across my lips, before falling to my chest. “You’ve gotspectaculartits.”

I hiccuped at his abrupt remark. “Thank you…I guess.”

“Are they real?”

Laughter burst from my mouth. “Of course they are!”

His gaze narrowed as if analyzing the situation. “Bullshit.”

“If I had the money, I’d get them reduced, not enhanced.”

“Don’t you dare,” he hissed. “They’re fucking perfection.”

I shook my head, trying to hide my smile. His forwardness was refreshing.

“I still don’t believe you.” He rubbed his stubbled jawline. “You’re going to have to prove it.”

“How could I possibly prov—oooh.” I walked right into that one. “You want me to show you my boobs.”

“I’d have to feel them toreallyknow.”

Heat swirled through my body. “Then I guess you’ll never know.”Lie.

“Never?” His hand inched up my thigh.

“Yes,” was all I could muster as the hem of my dress rose.

“Yes?” His finger grazed my panties. “Or never?”

I sucked in my breath. “Oh, God.”

“Easy, Tiger.” He curled one of my blonde waves around his finger before grazing his nose across my neck. “I’ve barely even touched you.”

My chest rose up and down, fighting the building tension, while his finger circled my clit.

He smirked as I squirmed. “Jesus, you’re sensitive.”He had no idea.

Not only was I drowning in desire, I was absorbing his lust. It was all-encompassing, and the pull of our bodies was incredible.

“I think you should come back to my apartment before you scream the place down,” he said into the shell of my ear as he increased the pressure below.

“Surely the restroom will suffice.” There was no going back now. I was clearly a closet slut.

“No fucking way am I taking you in there.” His tongue grazed my earlobe before nipping. “But I’ll be taking you every fucking way in my bed.”

And just like that, I came all over his hand.