Page 193 of Saving Soul

He peered up at him in awe. “I knew you would come.”

Adam’s eyes flickered to mine before he crouched down. “I promised you, didn’t I? Are you ready?”

“So ready! I learned so much at camp.”

“Awesome. Did you practice that trick I showed you?”

Finn’s grin grew as he nodded. “My coach was super impressed.”

My anxiety grew as I watched the other families pile through the doors. “Finn, we’ve got to get in there. Your race is soon.”

Finn’s eyes rolled. “Now you’re in a rush.”

“Good luck, buddy.” Adam gave him a fist-bump. “Not that you’ll need it.”

Once my son disappeared through the swim center doors, an uncomfortable silence fell between us.

“You didn’t have to come,” I said, finally meeting the eyes of the man I was supposed to hate.

“I told him I would.”

I dropped my gaze to the ground. “Okay, well, we should get in there if we want to find a decent seat.”

As Adam followed me inside and up into the stands, it was impossible to ignore the whispers around us. Moms ogled him from every direction, while others pulled out their camera phones. He was clearly more recognizable than I thought. If only I’d read more magazines before he had walked in that bar six months ago. I would’ve avoided a ton of heartache.

I hovered around a small gap in the bench, hoping Adam would find another seat, when he politely asked the lady beside us if she could make room. To my disappointment, she was more than happy to oblige and omitted a schoolgirl giggle when Adam smiled at her. I couldn’t blame her, though. His grin was panty-dropping dynamite, and he knew it.

Squished together, I was forced to endure the smell of his aftershave while the pressure of his body against mine threw me back to a memory that was entirely inappropriate for a family event. I closed my eyes, drew a deep breath, and reminded myself why I was there. Finn. Watch Finn swim.

Finn waved from the warm-up area beside the pool, and I waved back, but his beaming smile was directed at the man beside me. He’d asked about Adam numerous times over the past three weeks, but I’d always changed the subject and pretended it was like any other job.

“He’s happy you’re here.”

Adam kept his eyes on Finn as he prepared for his race. “Are you?”

“My feelings are irrelevant.”

“Not to me,” he uttered low enough to evade our neighbor’s ears.

I clenched my jaw. “I’m here to watch my son race, Adam. Not talk.”

He checked his watch. “We have a few minutes.”

“Fine.” My shoulders sank. He wasn’t going to give up. “How’s the family?”


“Did you spread Liam’s ashes?”

“Yes, out to sea, as requested.”

“In the ocean?!” My head whipped to his. “That’s not what I instructed.”

“I’m joking. He’s under the elm with my grandmother and uncle.”

“Fuck.” I bumped his bicep. “That wasn’t funny.”

“It was a little.”