Page 181 of Saving Soul

“Even if he does, keep reading. Your voice will carry into his dreams.”

With a curt nod, he proceeded to leave the room before pausing in the doorway and turning back. “Can we talk later?”

I wrapped my arms around my stomach and dropped my gaze. “You need to focus on your family right now.”

“I’m trying.”

My eyes lifted to find his pleading with mine. “Okay.” I momentarily lost myself in his vulnerability. “But tomorrow. You need some sleep.”

With a small, albeit sad smile, he tapped the book in his hand before continuing on to his grandfather’s room, where he needed to be.

In the early hours of the morning, I crept into Liam’s room, hoping to relieve some of his pain while he slept, but discovered Adam hunched over Liam’s bed, using the book as a pillow.

“Adam,” I whispered before moving closer. “Adam…”

He lifted his head with a grimace, clearly disorientated. “I must’ve fallen asleep.”

“You should go to bed.”

He rolled his head from side to side, stretching his neck. “I’m fine. I still have a few chapters left to read.”

“That you can finish in the morning.” I slipped the book out of his hands and rested it on the nightstand. “You need a good night’s sleep.”

“And you don’t?” He checked his watch. “It’s 3 a.m.”

“He gets restless around now. I can help with that.”

Adam rubbed his stubbled jaw as he stared at his sleeping grandfather. “How long does he have?”

“The doctor is coming today to convince him to increase his pain meds. Once that happens, he’ll be asleep most of the time.”

“Do you think he’ll agree?”

“Now that you’re here…yes, I think he will.”

“So, he’s been holding out for me?” His shoulders slumped. “Through all that pain?”

“Because he loves you, Adam.” I instinctively ran my hand through his hair. “He wants to see you happy.”

“He has.” Adam slid his hand over my wrist before pulling me down onto his lap. “Every day I’m with you.”

Desire flowed through my body as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I closed my eyes and tipped my neck back for more until a tap on the door had me launching out of his arms.

I swiftly moved around the bed to start my treatment as Grayson stepped into the room holding Harrison.

“Has he woken at all?” he asked, oozing nonchalance.

“No.” Adam pulled his gaze away from me to focus on his brother. “Not yet.”

“I can sit with him.” Grayson rubbed circles on his son’s back. “Harrison has no intention of sleeping tonight, so you may as well get some.”

I smiled softly at his newborn. “He’s probably picking up on everyone’s stress. Nothing a few cuddles can’t fix.”

Grayson sniggered as he seesawed his gaze between us. “Is that what you two were doing?”

“Grayson…” Adam seethed.

His brother held up one hand in defeat. “None of my business. Noted.”