Page 169 of Saving Soul

I walked into the store. “Keep talking.”

It was still a little out of my price range, but when I tried it on, I couldn’t refuse. Its snug fit enhanced every curve and held my breasts firmly in place with optimal cleavage.

Happy to be on the opposing side of the spectrum to Adam’s favorite color, I handed over the cash and left, determined to hunt down the perfect shoes.

Once back at Adam’s beach house, I went for another swim in the ocean before jumping in the shower to wash my hair. I spent more time than usual drying and styling my hair, then copied the makeup Tash had applied the night before. Only this time I wore red lipstick.

Tash had alluded to all the single men attending their party, so I was making an extra effort to look nice. I wanted to have fun, and laugh, and flirt—but with a man who was attainable. I wanted an Average Joe, with a stable job and big heart. I wanted a man to be a father to my son. But most of all, I wanted not to want Adam.

Satisfied with my reflection, I grabbed my handbag and a cardigan and texted Adam’s driver as I walked out into the living room.

“Hello there,” a female voice stopped me in my tracks.


A stunning brunette in an exquisite black gown stood by the kitchen counter, running her gaze over my outfit. “Cute dress. You must be Casey.”

I didn’t correct her. “Thanks…and you are?”

“I’m Staci,” she said in annoyance. “Adam’s getting his jacket.”

My heart plummeted with my stomach. “Oh right, the charity ball.”

“Our families are huge donators, so it makes sense for us to go together.”

I forced a smile. “Well, I’m sure you’ll look great together.”

Staci lifted her nose with a smug smile. “Everyone says so.”

Heavy footsteps came to a halt behind me. “I thought you’d left.”

A shiver rolled over my body as I turned. “Finn’s already there. I’m heading off now.”

His chest expanded as his gaze rolled over my body. “You look really nice.”

I glanced over at Staci’s dress before straightening mine. “Yeah, thanks.” I slipped on my cardigan. “You guys have fun.”

“Oh, we always do, don’t we, Adam?” Staci walked over to straighten his bowtie.

I cleared my throat as I stepped back, ignoring Adam’s penetrating gaze “Right. Well, I better go.” With a wobbly take-off, I walked out of the house with my head held high.

“So, how do you know Tash and Bryce?” the man who’d been eyeing me for the past hour asked.

“My late husband and Bryce used to work together.”

His eyebrows rose. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.”

“Did you kill him?”

“What? No…”

Laughter burst from my lips. “Sorry, that was a joke—a bad one.” But Josie would’ve appreciated it.

He laughed nervously. “Right. Well, I’m starved. I’m going to grab something to eat.”

I groaned inwardly, but I really didn’t care. I hadn’t met a guy yet who induced an iota of the rush I got around Adam.

“What’s wrong with you?” Tash asked as she sidled up beside me while I poured another drink. “You’re scaring all the guys off.”