Page 165 of Saving Soul

His vulnerability took me by surprise. “Well, I think it’s an incredible achievement to run a company as big as yours and be able to trust the people around you. It says a lot about your character.”

“And what’s that?”

“That you’re not like your father. You’re doing things your way, and it’s clearly working.”

“I wish he could see it that way.” He pulled his cap lower as we passed a couple of photographers.

“He will. Just give him time to adjust.”

Once the kids were covered head to toe in yellow and purple merch, we continued on to the food stand.

Adam watched the boys zig-zag through the crowd. “So, Tristan’s mom is Dominic’s sister?”

“Yeah, we’ve been best friends since the day we met.”

Adam rubbed the back of his neck. “And she’s okay with her son coming tonight?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t she be?”

“I…don’t know.” He grimaced. “I thought maybe she wouldn’t be comfortable with you spending time with another man.”

“Oh, it’s fine. It’s not like we’re on a date.”

Adam turned away before stopping. “But what if it was?”

“Oh.” I froze. “Um…well…considering she keeps trying to set me up with a friend of her husband’s, I don’t think she’s too concerned with my dating life.”

With a curt nod, he kept walking. “I want to, you know?”

“What?” His energy was so jumbled I struggled to keep up.

“Take you on a date.”

My eyelashes fluttered. “Oh.”

“There’s this charity ball on New Year’s Eve that I have to attend, and I was wondering if you’d come with me—as my date, that is.”

My footsteps slowed. “Oh…I…I can’t…”

“Look…” He spun around to face me. “I know you think this complicates things, but we aren’t at Harlow Manor, and I—”

“No, it’s not that.” I grimaced. “I already have plans. Tash invited us to her place for a barbecue.”

“Oh.” Adam’s shoulders slumped. “Okay.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” He handed Finn and Tristan money to buy food. “You’d probably hate it anyway. You should spend time with your family.”

Guilt tore through my body, but I forced myself to push it away. “Let’s just have fun tonight. You’ve already done so much, and I haven’t seen Finn smile like this in years.”

Adam’s tension eased as Finn goofed around with Tristan in the line, laughing and joking. “I want to make you smile like that.”

My heart skipped as I sucked in my breath, but a blinding flash left me momentarily stunned.

“Hey!” Adam shoved a man with a camera backward. “Not cool.”

A burly man stormed toward us. “Do we have a problem here?” He eyeballed the paling photographer while blocking his view of us.