Page 149 of Saving Soul

“Mom’s terrible at cards.” Finn slipped on his well-worn Lakers jersey. “It’s the only game she’ll play with me.”

The corner of Adam’s mouth twitched before he panned his gaze to my approaching son. “Whoa, Lakers fan!” He smiled in approval. “Sweet, bro.” He held out his fist, and Finn bumped it with his. “If only I knew where my Lakers sweatshirt was…”

Warmth filled my cheeks as my eyes met his. “Well, you boys have fun!”

“You can come with, you know,” Adam said, stepping back to let Finn pass.

“Yeah, Mom, come!”

“Maybe later. I think I’ll read for a bit.”

Finn rolled his eyes. “Momlovesreading.”

“I’ve noticed.” Adam’s smile widened. “Hey, why don’t you head down to the ballroom and warm up. I’ll catch up in a sec.”

“Okay! See ya later, Mom!”

Once Finn disappeared down the hall, Adam stepped into my bedroom, holding a box wrapped in brown paper that he’d kept hidden behind his back. “I know there was no clear winner today, but on thefreakishchance you did win, I bought you this.”

I waved him off. “Just leave it for Christmas.”

“Then I’ll have to buy everyone else something,” he said before his smile turned mischievous. “Plus, I really don’t think you should unwrap this in front of everyone.”

My eyes grew large as I rose off the bed. “Why not?” I glared at the package.

Adam held it out. “You’ll see.”


“Come on, it won’t bite.”

My gaze tapered as I apprehensively took the box from his hands.

“It may even be better than reading,” he continued as he backed out of the room.

As his chuckle faded down the hallway, I stared at the mysterious gift. What the hell had he bought me?

Closing my door, I carried the box over to my bed and rested it on the nightstand. A small card laid tucked under the neatly tied string, and I slipped it out to read it.

Until next time. A x

Overwhelmed with curiosity, I perched on the side of the bed and unwrapped the brown paper to discover a black box hidden underneath. With a rush of exhilaration, I opened it to discover my favorite crystal nestled inside. It was long, smooth, and beautiful, carved into a—oh my fucking God!It was a crystal dildo.

I snapped the lid shut as my core ignited.Well played, Adam Harlow. Well played.

My body was still on fire when I snuck into the ballroom an hour later. After locking my door, I had drawn a bath and spent time getting to know my new friend with the aid of Adam’s underlined passages. It wasn’t as good as the real thing, but it was surprisingly cleansing.

Josie and Grayson were teaming up against Finn and Adam, while Harrison slept in his stroller.

I watched them, sight unseen, from the doorway, enjoying their smiles, their laughter, and brotherly banter. Adam was so natural with Finn it made my heart ache. They played in sync, like father and son, and I wondered how Dominic would feel.

Adam caught my gaze as he prepared to shoot. “Jesus,” he murmured, eyeing his Lakers sweatshirt draped over my leggings.

“Cass!” Grayson cried out. “We need your help! Your kid is demolishing us.” He squinted at my outfit. “Isn’t that Adam’s hoodie?”

“Wouldn’t you believe it? I found it in my closet.” I held back a smile. “There must’ve been a mix-up with the laundry, so I thought I’d get in the spirit.”

Adam smirked. “Looks better on you anyway.”