Page 14 of Saving Soul

Contentment eased the lines of Liam’s forehead. “I’d like to think so.”

“They’re lucky to have a grandfather like you.”

“No, I’m lucky to have them. I just wish I could see them more often.” His spark dulled. “Doc says I’m not allowed to fly anymore, and they’re always so busy.”

“Well, you’ll have to make the most out of your weekends, then.” There was no point focusing on the negative.

With a hopeful smile, he lifted his gaze to mine. “I must give you the grand tour of Harlow Manor.”

“Oh, it’s okay.” I waved him off. “I’m sure I can figure out where all the important things are.”

“Nonsense. It would be rude not to.” Liam pressed the buzzer on the side of his bed.

“But shouldn’t you be resting?”

Nora checked her watch. “He’s not due for his medication for another hour. You’ve got time.”

Within moments, Max appeared in Liam’s doorway, pushing a wheelchair.

The head of Liam’s bed began to rise. “Nora, will you please show Cassidy down to the elevator? We’ll meet you there.”

“Of course,” she replied, motioning me to follow.

“Are you sure this is okay?” I asked once we’d given Liam some privacy.

“He’s allowed one outing a day when he’s feeling well enough.” She pressed elevator button. “Should you encounter any problems, Max and I are never far away.”

I turned my smile to Liam as Max pushed him toward us. The elevator doors opened, and Max, Liam, and I squeezed inside. It had a four-person limit, however the wheelchair filled most of the space.

“I’ll go tidy up.” Nora stepped into the hall. “Make sure you’re back within the hour.”

Once the doors closed, the elevator lowered to the ground floor. “You’ll have full use of the property during your stay,” Liam said as we stepped out into another lavish corridor. “So, don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself while you’re here.”

“Thank you, Liam. That is very generous, but I doubt I’ll need much more than the books I brought with me.”

“Oh, you’re a reader? Then you’ll love the library.”

My stomach fluttered in delight. “There’s a library?”

“It’s upstairs and overlooks the entire estate. I often watch the sunrise from there.”

“Oh, I love sunrises.”

“Then you should join me in the mornings. They really are something.”

“I’d love that, Liam. Thank you.”

“I used to enjoy them from the drawing room windows, but with my health deteriorating, it’s best I don’t stray too far from my room.” Sadness radiated through his words before he shook it off. “Nevertheless, it’s still beautiful from the library, so I’m not complaining.”

“Well, I can’t wait to see it.”

“And you will, but first, I’ll give you a grand tour of the ground floor. It can be a little overwhelming to newcomers.”

Max chuckled. “I’ve been here almost two decades, and I still get lost.”

Liam smiled up at his butler. “Those secret passageways can be tricky.”

My eyes grew large. “Secret passageways?”