Page 136 of Saving Soul

“You don’t have enough?”

I grinned. “Never.”

“Then it looks like we have a deal.” He held out his hand.

“That we do.” Electricity surged through my body as my fingers wrapped around his. “May the best swimmer win.”


After a longer than normal Reiki session with Liam, I returned to my bedroom to find Finn missing. Assuming he’d made his way downstairs to explore the adventure playground below, I pivoted back to the hall to begin my search. I’d only taken one step before my son’s voice floated out of the room opposite.

Peeking inside Adam’s open door, I spied Finn sprawled out on a beanbag in front of the giant flat-screen, talking into a headset.

“Finn, what are you doing in here?” I asked from the door, not wanting to invade Adam’s privacy.

Finn’s eyes didn’t budge from the screen, so I marched in front of him, blocking his view.

“Mom!” He darted his head from side to side.

“I said, what are you doing in here?”

“Adam said I could play his video games.”

“Oh.” My heart warmed at the gesture.

“Can you move?!”

Shifting aside, I turned my gaze to the game, and my body cooled on impact. “Turn that off immediately!” I yelled, glaring at the violent scene before me.

“What?! Why?!” His eyebrows pulled together as he met my horrified gape.

“You’re too young to play a game like this.”

Finn groaned. “But all my friends are pla—”

“I don’t care!” My hands sat firmly on my waist, waiting for him to switch it off.

Adam walked into the room with a bowl of nachos. “Everything okay in here?”

“No, not really.” Frustration rumbled under my skin. “He’s not allowed to play this.”

He glanced at the screen and winced. “I didn’t think it was that bad.”

“He’s only eleven, Adam! It’s too violent.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” He rubbed his jaw. “How about we download some new ones?”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Now I felt ungrateful.

“I’m bored with my games anyway.” Adam fell into the chair beside Finn. “Any suggestions, buddy?”

Finn’s eyes grew large. “You mean, I can get anything? Anything I want?”

Adam’s eyes met mine. “Within reason. No blood and guts.”

I mouthed the words thank you before retreating. “I’ll leave you boys to it. I’m going to go read for a bit.”

“Enjoy.” Adam threw me a wink before switching his focus to the screen.