Page 129 of Saving Soul

“It sure is.” I grabbed his hand. “And there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Consumed with happiness, I escorted Finn straight up to Liam’s bedroom, promising a tour later on.

I peeked inside before walking through the door. “Liam,” I whispered, careful not to give him a start.

His eyes lit up at the sight of my son.

“This is my son, Finn. Finn, this is the lovely man I’ve been caring for.”

Finn moved toward Liam’s bed and reached out his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

“What lovely manners you have.” Liam grasped Finn’s hand with a noticeable shake.

“Apparently, Finn is staying with us for the holidays.” My eyebrows drew closer. “Are you sure that’s okay?”

“It’s my house, and I’m delighted to have another guest.”

My heart filled with warmth. “Finn, why don’t you go check out my room. It’s back down the hallway, second door on the left.”

With an excited nod, he raced out of the door.

“Oh, Liam.” I held back another batch of tears. “Thank you so much for bringing him here. This means so much to me.”

“It wasn’t my idea,” he said with a glint in his eye.

I frowned. “Then who?”

He patted my hand. “I think you know.”

My lips parted as I drew in air. “Why… Why would he do that? He was so angry when he found out about him.”

“Under all that bravado, Adam has a beautiful heart. He may have a very…uniqueway of showing it, but my grandson is very fond of you.”

“Unique is a good word to describe Adam.”

Liam smiled. “It’s also a good word to describe you.”

“I can’t believe you work here!” Finn said after a quick tour of the mansion before dinner. “This place is enormous!”

“And that was only half of it,” I said, unpacking a few of his things into my closet. “I’ll show you the rest tomorrow. Just wait until you see the pool.”

“I saw the pool.”

“Theotherpool. It’s indoor.”

Finn’s eyes rounded. “Oh…my…God.”

“But remember, this is not our house. When William and Caroline get here, you aren’t allowed to leave this room without permission. Until then, please try to stick to the rooms I’ve showed you so you don’t get lost.”

“So, I have until Christmas Eve to explore?”

“Yes, but then we’ll have to stay out of their way. I’ll set up our own Christmas tree in here, and I’m sure Max can arrange some yummy treats for us.”

Finn flopped down onto my oversized bed. “This is going to be so much fun.”

“I’m so happy you’re here.” My eyes glazed over again. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you, too, Mom.”