Page 115 of Saving Soul

Adam’s fingers tore through his hair as he paced. “You should’ve told me.”

“Why? What does it change? My ability to do my job?” My heart dipped. “Or how you feel about me?”

He stopped and stared off into the distance, saying nothing.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” I almost laughed. “Well, I’m sorry I’m not your type anymore.”

His hands curled into fists as his jaw turned to stone. “You were never my type.”

I dropped my gaze as my chest threatened to cave in. “Well, that’s a relief.”

“That’s not what I mea—” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fuck this. I’m going inside.” Without a backward glance, he trudged back to the house, leaving me standing by the glistening pool, shivering uncontrollably.


“Where’s Adam?” Liam asked when I wheeled him into the library Saturday morning to watch the sunrise.

My heart quickened. “Sleeping in, I guess.”

“Good. That boy deserves some rest.”

Guilt filtered through my body. He was missing the sunrise with his grandfather because of me. “How are you feeling this morning, Liam?” I needed to think of something other than the man who had plagued my dreams all night.

“It’s the weekend, my family is here, and the sun is rising on a new day. I’m feeling marvelous.”

“What about your pain?”

He placed his hand on mine. “It’s no worse.”

I could tell he was lying. “Just take it easy today. I know you love spending time with Harrison, but when he naps, so should you.”

“Then Gramps will get no sleep at all.” Josie walked into the library with her son. “His great-grandson refuses to sleep.”

Grayson walked in behind her, holding a bottle. “Hey, Gramps. Hey, Cass,” he said, approaching his grandfather. “Since we’re all up, would you like to feed the little guy?”

Liam’s face lit up. “Oh yes.”

I smiled at the beautiful sight before me. “I’ll leave you to it,” I said, turning for the door.

“Wait.” Josie placed Harrison into Liam’s fragile arms. “Can we talk a sec?”

“Sure.” I moved farther down the hallway as she followed.

Josie glanced back, making sure we were alone. “I know it’s none of my business, but did something happen between you and Adam last night?”

My breath caught. “Why do you ask?”

“Because he’s not in his room, so he’s either in your bed, or he’s taken off.”

“I can assure you he’s not in my bed.”

“Oh.” Josie frowned, seemingly disappointed.

“But things did get a little tense…after he found out I have a son.”

“Oh shit, you told him?” She pulled me farther down the hall.

“Not on purpose.” I sighed. “But it’s better he knows.”