Page 46 of Capturing Love

“You look…different,” Amy said, smirking in my doorway.

I shrugged and smiled before peeking up at her.

Her eyes twinkled as she performed a victory dance across the room. “You got laaaaid!”

“Shhh. I don’t want the whole office knowing. Especially Pete.”

She bounced on her feet. “The hydrangeas did it, didn’t they?”

I glanced across at my potted mass of blue snowballs and chuckled. “I don’t know how he knew, but—” I paused and narrowed my eyes at her. “How did he know, Ames?”

Her eyes popped and she hurried back into her office.

“Amy!” I charged after her.

She glanced up at me, typing aimlessly on her keyboard. “I’m right in the middle of something, can we chat later?”

“How did he know?” I asked, ignoring her.

“Well, he was trying so hard and you were giving him nothing…so, I maaay have sent a text to the number on the card.” She sheepishly peered up at me.

“Ames.” I groaned.

Shrugging indifferently, she leant back in her chair. “I’m not sorry though. Just look at you, you’re glowing.”

My cheeks warmed and I pursed my lips, trying to think of a clever response. “Righto…well, I need to get back to work,” I muttered before heading for the door.

“It suits you,” she sang out, and I quickened my steps towards my office.

That evening, I arrived back to my apartment after a breezy day in the office. Marlene had been at an off-site meeting all day and I was ahead with my work, so I didn’t have much else to do but fight off X-rated flashbacks of my night with Grayson.

“Hey, Josie!” Reed called out from the bottom of the stairwell.

I paused mid-step and looked down. “Oh, hey, Reed.”

He lugged up a large cardboard box. “You got a delivery this morning,” he said, meeting me as I unlocked my door.

Reed was a dream neighbour. His profession meant he barely left his apartment, so he was always there to watch the place and take deliveries. He also helped me with Luci, who was now slobbering all over him.

I narrowed my eyes at the box as he carried it inside. “I haven’t ordered anything. Are you sure?”

“There’s only four people living in this building, and I’m pretty certain you’re the only Josie Spencer, so yes, I’m sure,” he replied, placing the box on my kitchen bench.

“Okay.” I chuckled. “Well, thanks for bringing it up. You’re a legend.”

Blush crept up into his cheeks and he smiled bashfully. “No problem, Jos.”

“Got any new gaming videos out?”

He grinned. “Just uploaded one today. Already has 1.2 million views.”

“Niiice.” I held up my hand and we high-fived, before he disappeared out the front door.

Throwing my handbag and keys onto the kitchen bench, I meandered over to my delivery. I grabbed some scissors out of the drawer and began cutting away the tape that held it all together. Unfolding the cardboard, I peered inside to discover a brand-new porcelain dinner set. I burst out laughing as I picked up the accompanying note.

It appears I left my phone at your place. Please keep it safe until I return (soon!). Feel free to take as many naked selfies on it as you like. ~ G.

I was half tempted until I reminded myself I barely knew the guy, so I took a photo of Luci’s gorgeous face instead.