Page 40 of Capturing Love

I looked up and pointed to the third floor. “That one there. With Garfield stuck to the window.”

His left eyebrow rose. “You’re a fan of Garfield?”

“He’s sarcastic, lazy, hates Mondays and loves Italian food. Dude’s my spirit animal.” Did I just fucking say that?

When Grayson didn’t laugh, I lifted my eyes to find him staring at me. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as his gaze penetrated mine, making my heart race. I licked my lips, and the movement drew his eyes. Without another word, he slid his hand around the nape of my neck and slammed his mouth down onto mine.

I drew back in surprise at the unexpected softness of his lips, then kissed him again, desperately needing more. He pulled my waist towards his as I circled my arms around his neck. His hands glided up and down my back and through my hair as we devoured each other.

Finally and reluctantly pulling apart, I realised we were on the verge of indecent exposure.

“When do you leave?” I panted, feeling like I’d just run a marathon.

He ran his hand down my cheek. “Tomorrow.”

“Oh.” Disappointment sat heavily on my shoulders.

“I need to report back to my father, but hopefully I’ll be back in a week or two. Can I see you then?”

I wanted to scream yes, but I knew better. “Gray…”

“I don’t want this to end before it’s even begun,” he said, with a sense of urgency.

This is a bad idea. “But you live on the other side of the country.”

“They’re just details.”

I shook my head. “They’re facts.”

He placed his hands on his hips and pursed his lips.

I looked away uncomfortably. “I can’t start something knowing there’s an expiry. I…I don’t take heartbreak well.”

He reached for my hand. “I don’t intend to break your heart.”

Before his fingertips found mine, I abruptly turned and walked up the stairs. “Goodbye, Grayson.”


I lingered on the top step before turning back.

A mixture of frustration and sadness swirled behind his eyes. “Our story doesn’t end here.” Before I could respond, he dropped his gaze and continued up the road. His fading footsteps felt like a countdown, and I was running out of time.

“Gray!” I yelled, temporarily losing my mind.

Pausing mid-step, he slowly turned around.

I dropped the pizza box and practically flew down the stairs, launching myself into his arms as my lips crashed into his. “Don’t go yet,” I murmured, between breaths.

Without saying a word, Grayson hitched me up around his waist and carried me up the stairs. After two failed attempts at entering my code into the keypad, he placed me back on my feet so I could concentrate. At the sound of the buzzer, we both exhaled, and Grayson opened the door.

“Wait!” I cried, coming to a halt. “My pizza!” I ran back and retrieved the leftovers that thankfully hadn’t fallen from the box.

Grayson chuckled and shook his head as he chased me up the stairs to my apartment. Trying to ignore his hot breath on my shoulder, I unlocked the door and threw the pizza on the kitchen bench as Grayson dropped his backpack by the door.

“Great plac—” Was all he could mutter before my lips were on his again, and we were stumbling towards the bedroom.

Buttons scattered over the floor as I tore off Grayson’s shirt and threw his hat across the room, leaving him half-naked in his expensive jeans and looking…magnificent. My gaze travelled down his well-built arms and hard chest, and all I wanted to do was lick every god given part of him.