Page 128 of Capturing Love

Melanie giggled. “It was one hell of a night.”

My eyelids fluttered, but I kept my attention on the camera. “Should we get started?” It was best I didn’t know any more.

“Of course,” she said, slipping out of the hopefully faux fur to expose an exquisite black gown that hugged every inch of her body impeccably.

“Wow.” I gasped. “That is some dress.”

Melanie smoothed her hands down the intricate lace as she stood. “There’s no other like it.”

“You aren’t too cold?” I panned my gaze over the snow-covered ground and frowned.

“There is no beauty without pain,” she said, flashing a tight, but charming smile.

Her profound statement stunned me, but they didn’t sound like her words. “I’d rather you didn’t die of hyperthermia.”

Melanie shrugged nonchalantly and slipped a hip flask out of her coat. “Don’t worry, this will keep me warm.”

I winced. “I’ll be quick, and we’ll take breaks,” I said, concerned by how little Melanie cared about her health.

We moved to a more secluded position, where the snow was thicker, creating a striking backdrop against her dress. The crisp air brought out the pink in her cheeks, complimenting her crimson lips. It was like photographing an actress from a classic 1950s film.

Melanie was the definition of beautiful, but I needed more from her. If her photograph was going to feature in my show, I’d have to find out who she truly was. Not just who she wanted the world to see.

While I snapped token shots to warm her up, I asked questions about her life, hoping to work towards something deeper. Surprisingly, she was quite open and candid, like we’d been friends for years. It made me wonder if she actually craved a real connection, or if the contents of the hip flask let down her guard.

“So, how are you finding New York?” I asked, genuinely interested in her answer.

“Oh, I’m loving it. The night life here is amazing…I just need to convince Grayson to loosen the leash a little.”

I lifted my gaze to meet hers, but didn’t say anything.

“He thinks I party too much,” she continued, rolling her eyes. “He’s always acted more like a big brother than a fiancé. Always trying to fix me.” Snap.

“It must be nice, having someone care for you that much.”

“Grayson has always been there for me, even at my lowest points.” She sighed. “I wish I could say the same about my parents.” Snap.

I watched her closely through my lens. “High expectations?”

“The highest, and I’m not meeting a single one.” She laughed, but it quickly faded. “At least I have room to breathe out here.”

I chose to stay quiet, fearing I would say something to reveal how much I already knew about her situation.

“Grayson can be just as bad sometimes, always on my case about this and that. I had to tell him I had an appointment with my therapist, just to get out of going to the Hamptons with him this weekend.”

My mouth gaped behind my camera.

“It’s not like I need therapy. He’s just overreacting.” Her face dropped a little before she quickly gathered herself. “Little does he know my therapy session was of the beauty variety.” A chuckle escaped her lips as she inspected her latest manicure.

I cleared my throat, suddenly really uncomfortable.

She let out a long sigh. “I just wish everyone would get off my fucking case.”

“If you don’t mind me asking…why are you with him?” I needed to know if she’d trust me with the truth about her pretend engagement, or keep up the façade. At least then I could gage how genuine she was about our growing friendship.

Melanie straightened her posture. “Apart from being a dream match for our families, he can give me the life I want.”

My heart dipped. I’d have to play along with the lies. “What sort of life is that?”