Page 119 of Capturing Love

The next morning, I took my time wandering around the park searching for couples to feature in my next article, but nothing inspired me. Arriving at work later than usual, I was startled to find Melanie sitting at Amy’s desk.

I slowed at the doorway. “Hi,” I said, panning my gaze around the room.

Melanie’s head shot up and a dazzling smile splashed across her face. “Josie, hi! I was wondering when I was going to see you today.”

“Um…where’s Amy?”

“Who?” She scrunched up her nose. “Oh! You mean the girl who was in this office?” She lifted her shoulders in an easy shrug. “Gone, I suppose.”

My eyes bulged. “Pardon?”

“I don’t know. Grayson just said he’d sort it out.”

A fresh swell of rage roared through me. With a forced smile, I continued down the hallway and through Grayson’s open door.

He lifted his hand to calm me before I unleashed hell. “Relax, Josie, Amy hasn’t been fired. She’s just been moved to the next floor.”

My mouth dropped. “The next floor?!”

He sighed. “Melanie wanted the office next to mine.”

“She couldn’t take mine?”

“I wouldn’t let her,” he stated in a low voice. “I like my view.”

My hands found my hips. “So now I have to stare at the both of you all day?”

“You’re barely in the office anyway,” he argued. “I’ll buy you another tree.”

“Make it a big one,” I snarled, and stormed across the hallway.

With one last angry glance back at Grayson, I switched on my computer.

J. SPENCER: Where for art thou?

A. MITCHELL: *sad face* Between Accounts and IT.

J. SPENCER: Wanna swap?

A. MITCHELL: Hell no.

J. SPENCER: How’s Janice?

A. MITCHELL: Very funny. You better be coming to drinks Friday.

J. SPENCER: *thumbs up*

The next few weeks dragged by. I kept out of the office as much as possible, only returning to upload my work and take on new assignments. When I wasn’t reviewing gigs at night, I was working tirelessly on my exhibition, which was getting closer by the day.

“What’s this?” Melanie asked, after hovering around my desk for the past ten minutes.

I glanced up at the newest director of Maude, who never seemed to have work to do, and sighed. “Oh, it’s just a little project I’ve been working on in my lunch breaks.”

She picked up the contact sheet of photography pieces I was collating for my exhibition, and her eyes lit up. “Oh my god, are you having a show?”

“Um, yeah. I am actually.” I couldn’t help but smile.

Melanie clapped her hands. “Oh, please let me help. I know so many people who would love your work.”