“Come on, you need a holiday. Look how pale you are. A little Italian sun and my sister's cooking will fix you right up.”
Amusement tugged at the corners of my lips. “Your sister’s cooking?”
“Yes, you’ll stay with her of course,” he stated firmly.
I laughed. “That’s sweet, but my life is too complicated right now.”
Lenny’s eyes narrowed as he folded his arms across his chest. “Work life or love life?”
“Both actually,” I said with a sigh.
His forehead wrinkled. “Are you doin’ okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I hated when Lenny worried about me.
“Well, it sounds like something needs to change, and change is as good as a holiday.”
“I think you’re right, Len.” I grinned, picking up the menu. “Maybe I’ll start by ordering something different tonight.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” he said, with the warmest of smiles. I could always rely on Lenny to lift my mood.
As I sat at home, munching on my new favourite pizza topping, I thought about Lenny’s words while I stared at the fat envelope on the kitchen bench. Perhaps my dream of travelling was closer than I thought. I’d only need to sell a couple more pieces before I’d have enough to visit a portion of the world, and if I couldn’t quit my job, perhaps a long holiday would give my heart the break it needed.
I’d been resistant before, but now I desperately needed something to distract myself, so I gave up on my job search, in lieu of a new plan. I was going to have an exhibition.
The weekend was spent sorting through old photography files, picking out my favourite images from the ones I’d taken over the years. I created a contact sheet, and wrote an email to a few smaller gallery owners in the area, asking if they would be interested in hosting an exhibition for an unknown artist.
My jaw dropped when I received an email back within minutes.
Hi Josie,
Thank you so much for contacting us in regards to hosting your photography exhibition. We are already familiar with your amazing work with Maude, and are blown away by the images you have sent. We would be honoured. Adrian, our curator, will call you on Monday to work out the details.
We look forward to working with you.
Faye Westwood
AG Galleries
I squealed in delight. Finally, something to keep my mind off the train wreck that was my life.
* * *
Returning to work on Monday didn’t seem so bad now I was working towards something bigger than my next article for Maude. Thankfully, Grayson and Adam hadn’t returned from LA as yet, so I was available to take Adrian’s call to nut out the finer details of my first show.
“Loved your latest Capturing Love piece,” Marlene said, poking her head through my doorway.
I smiled. “Thanks, any changes?”
“Nope, it’s perfect as usual. I just need to run it past the big bosses, but I’m sure they’ll be fine with it.”
“Speaking of, where are they?” I asked, trying to sound casual.