Page 112 of Capturing Love

“Even with family?”

“Our families have been planning to merge Warren Media and Harlow Corp. for years, but Melanie’s parents want us to marry before it happens. That’s why my father has been so furious with me.” Grayson sighed. “I just thought if they met you and saw how happy we were together they’d let it go, but all I did was expose my weakness.”

“What’s that?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

He exhaled. “You.”

My mouth parted, but I remained silent.

“He’s used to getting want he wants, and will destroy anyone who gets in his way.”

“And I’m at the top of his hit list.” I couldn’t believe this was happening.

He pursed his lips and nodded. “Unless I can prove to him how serious I am about the family business.”

“So you’re marrying Melanie to save my career?” This is ridiculous.

He shook his head. “No, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. The engagement is a smoke screen.”

My eyes grew wide as I lifted them. “Does Melanie know that?!”

The corner of his mouth quirked up. “Of course she does. I wouldn’t have considered it if it didn’t benefit her as much as me.”

“So, you told her about us?”

“She knows I’m seeing someone—someone I’m serious about—but I’m sparing her the details.”

My heart dropped. “Because she loves you.”

“No more than a friend,” he responded, shaking his head.

“Then why did she react so badly when she found out about us?”

Grayson winced, clearly effected by the memory. “Because she isn’t stable, and when Staci told her she’d seen me with someone new, she spiralled. I’m the only person she trusts and she felt like she was losing me. I should’ve prepared her.”

I lowered my gaze. “She really is dependent on you, isn’t she?” The conversation I had with Adam on the drive home from the Hamptons flashed through my mind.

“I thought if I put some distance between us, she would learn to cope on her own, but she’s only getting worse. Her parents are more toxic than mine, so they’re no help. The only time they’ve ever eased up on her was when we were together.”

“Can’t she just tell them to back off?”

“She’s not strong enough, not yet anyway. If her parents believe we’ve reunited, they’ll leave her alone. Melanie can finally get some help, and it’ll buy me some time to figure out what to do about my dad.”

“So your solution is to lie to everyone?” It didn’t sit well with me. Lies tend to snowball.

“Not to the people who matter,” he answered softly.

“Does your brother know what’s going on?” Surely he wouldn’t support this.

“Yes. Adam may be ruthless like Dad, but even he doesn’t agree with this.”

I rubbed my temples. “Is that why your father was here last week? To check up on you? On us?”

Grayson scowled. “He’s pretending to care about the company, wanting to know the ins and outs of the business, but yeah, he’s making sure I’m falling in line.”

I slowly blew all the air from my lungs. “I guess that explains his little visit to my office.”

His eyes snapped to mine. “He spoke to you?”