Page 11 of Capturing Love

“Let’s just say, there’s something about you that makes me feel invincible.” He pulled me onto my feet by the front of my jumpsuit until we were standing face to face, just inches apart.

My breathing shallowed. “Thank you, Grayson, for everything.”

He grinned, but his face was paling. “Don’t talk like we’re not going to survive this.”

“Well if I don’t, at least I’ve had one of the most amazing nights of my life.”

As colour returned to Grayson’s stunned face, I stepped away from him and towards the platform to await my final instructions.

Then, I jumped into the unknown.



As I fell to my almost certain death, all the air sucked out of my lungs, hindering my scream. The target below grew closer but I didn’t want it to end, because the feeling was like nothing I’d ever experienced.

My feet hit the ground, but I was still on a high. I couldn’t keep still until I saw Grayson leap from the tower above. He zoomed down the cable at speed, looking as exhilarated as I felt. A moment later, he landed, hanging his head back with laughter as the employee detached him.

He panned his gaze to where I stood and my stomach somersaulted. His euphoric smile caught my breath, and I blinked as if I was taking a mental photograph.

Our excess adrenaline had us jogging towards each other before I launched myself into his arms, giggling as he spun me in circles. My feet found the ground, but neither of us stepped away.

Grayson’s heart pounded through his chest as he ran his hand down my cheek. “That was…”

“Amazing?” I gushed.

His gaze burned into mine, but his smile faltered. Quickly stepping back, he let out an awkward laugh. “Yes, amazing.”

“So, have we cured your fear of heights?” I asked, wanting to diffuse the obvious tension.

He peeked up at the next jumper and winced. “I don’t know about that. But I haven’t done something like that since I was a kid.”

“You should do it more. It suits you.” I smiled.

Grayson’s cheeks turned pink. “We’ll see. Depends on what’s next on your list.”

I unzipped my jumpsuit and pulled out the napkin, reading the fifth item in my head. “Well, the last one’s pretty lame compared to that. Perhaps we should go on the High Roller instead?” I pointed up to the roller coaster that wrapped around the Stratosphere tower and my heart quickened.

“Oh my god, check that out!” Grayson hollered, pointing over my shoulder.

Whirling towards his line of sight, I felt a light tug on my fingers as he snatched the list from my grip. I turned back and narrowed my eyes. “That was cruel,” I said, trying to snatch it back, but he shrugged me off with a chuckle.

Grayson brought the list to his nose and squinted. “Number five. Go dancing at a fancy nightclub.” He dropped his gaze to mine. “That’s it?”

“Well, yeah,” I shrugged. “But not that house techno soulless crap. I want to dance to real music.”

He pursed his lips. “I know what you mean. My fiancé loves that shit and it drives me nuts.”

“Well, that’s a deal breaker right there,” I blurted, and my eyes grew wide. “I mean for me, that would be a deal breaker for me. I’m sure your fiancé has a ton of better traits to make up for her bad taste in music.” Palm meet face.

He laughed and slipped the list into his back pocket. “Come on, I know the perfect place.”

As I followed Grayson’s lead, I wondered who he was. The way people treated him, I half expected to find out he was some sort of celebrity. He certainly had the looks of a movie star, but no one approached him for an autograph or selfie, so it couldn’t be that. His clothing, his confidence, and his ability to get whatever he wanted definitely screamed money. The type of money I could only dream about.

“So, what do you do for a living?” I asked, curiously.

Grayson took his time formulating his answer. “I work for the family business.”