Page 4 of Capturing Love

With his nod, I jumped out of my seat and slid in beside him. He was momentarily surprised until I held up the camera’s viewing screen, eager to show him an example of my work.

As his eyes tried to adjust, he sighed. “Hang on.” He slid a pair of reading glasses out of his side pocket, and perched them on his nose.

I gazed up at him and giggled. “I thought only old people carried around reading glasses.”

“They make me look serious though, right?” he asked, holding back a smile.

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“How’s that?”

I grinned. “You’re eating penis candy.”

Chuckling, he lifted the camera out of my hands. “So, what am I looking at?” He blinked a few times and fell silent for a moment as the image became clearer to him.

I winced, not sure how he would take my ‘art’.

It was a photo of him watching the fountain. Leaning up against the barrier, surrounded by people, yet totally alone. The light reflected off his eyes, making him look both sad and peaceful at the same time.

My heart lurched. “I’m sorry. I know it’s a little strange. I’ll delete it if you want.”

Grayson shook his head. “No, no, don’t apologise. It’s…wow. You actually captured a rare moment for me. As much as you don’t think I’m a serious guy, I definitely don’t get a chance to relax often.” He looked back at me. “Can you show me more?”

My heart leapt and I nodded, taking the camera back to find him another image. Careful not to breach my non-disclosure agreement, I discreetly scrolled past the images of Melanie Warren until I found some of my personal favourites.

He relaxed back into the seat. “These are amazing, Josie. What do you do with them all?”

I laughed and leant back with him. “Some are for work, but as for my favourites, nothing really.”

“Nothing at all?” His brow furrowed as he turned to me.

I shrugged. “Sometimes I print them and hang them up at home, but that’s about it.”

Grayson shook his head. “You’re really talented. You should be having exhibitions.”

“I’m not that good,” I said with a snort.

He handed back my camera and I returned to my side of the booth to slip it back in its case.

“My fiancé takes me to tons of them. You’re definitely that good.”

Momentarily pausing on the zipper at the mention of his wife-to-be, my heart dipped. Why do you care, Josie? You only just met this guy, like, five minutes ago.

I lifted my gaze to his. “Well, thank you. That’s kind of you to say, but I don’t think I’m ready for anything like that.”

Grayson’s disbelieving stare was only broken by the food arriving at our table. I pushed his plate towards him and brought mine closer, already salivating over the promise of greasy goodness. He appeared to be as starving as I was, and we both hoed in.

“Oh my god, this burger is amaaazing,” I mumbled through my full mouth.

Grayson wiped some ketchup from his lip. “Surely you’ve had one of Joe’s famous burgers before? I get one every time I’m here.”

I swallowed my food and took a sip of my cola. “This is my first trip to Vegas.”

“What? Really?”

I shrugged. “And it’s a work trip, so I’m leaving early in the morning.”

A deep line formed between his eyebrows. “But have you had any time to check out the sights?”