Page 127 of Capturing Love

He leant his backside against my desk and crossed his arms. His shirt tightened around his biceps causing the heat in my body to rise.

“Good. No dramas yet, which is refreshing. She’s finally seeing a therapist.”

I raised my eyebrows. “That’s good.”

“This project of yours has been the perfect distraction for her,” Grayson said as he threw my world globe stress ball from one hand to the other.

“And for me,” I muttered, lowering my gaze.

He placed the globe back on my desk and slid his fingers over mine. “Adam and I are heading to the Hamptons this weekend to speak to Grandpa about our situation. We may have found a solution.”

I pulled my hand away to slow the fluttering in my belly. “Are you sure Melanie is okay with all this? She keeps posting about the wedding like it’s going ahead.” I cleared my throat. “So I hear.”

“I wouldn’t worry about her social media. That’s how she wants everyone to see her. I guess it gives her some semblance of control, since it’s only thing in her life her parents have no say in. Her reality is a lot darker.”

I narrowed my gaze. “So, not only is she striving for her parents’ approval, she’s also searching for validation from strangers? Sounds healthy.”

“I know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s not great, but she’s hoping to build something out of it. I think you may be helping her figure out what that is.”

“Well, she’s definitely a natural with all this. I couldn’t have done it without her.”

Grayson shook his head. “Maybe not as quick, but your artwork certainly speaks for itself.”

My cheeks warmed. “Will you be coming to my exhibition?”

“Of course.” He frowned. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“As Melanie’s date, no doubt?”

“I’m coming for you, not her.”

I pressed my lips together and looked away.

“Do you have plans for the weekend?” Grayson asked softly, attempting to change the subject.

The corner of my mouth lifted. “You mean apart from all the hot dates I’ve been invited on?”

“Very funny,” he uttered, narrowing his gaze.

I shook my head with a chuckle. “I’ll just be working on this, I guess.”

With a gentle nod, Grayson stood up, preparing to leave.

My heart dropped. I wasn’t ready for him to go yet. “Grayson…”

He drew in a deep breath and turned back, the longing I felt mirrored in his eyes.

The words stuck in my throat. “Say hi to Grandpa for me.”

His mouth curved into a sad smile as he back stepped out of my office. “I will.”

* * *

Melanie arrived a half hour late to our meeting place in Central Park, covered in a long fur coat and dark sunglasses. All she needed was 101 spotted puppies chasing after her to complete the picture.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” she groaned, dropping onto the park bench beside me. “I…um…slept in.”

I glanced at the time on my cell and my eyes grew large. “That’s one hell of a sleep in.”