Page 83 of Embrace Me Darkly

The advocate stood stock-still, clearly not liking the situation. “We’ll talk about this later.”

“I have no doubt,” Luke said. To Sara, he added, “My advocate, Nicholas Montague.”

“So I gathered.”

Nicholas turned his attention to her. “Whatever you talked about—whatever he told you—it was said without his advocate, and it’s out of bounds. Are we clear on that?”

She stiffened, her arms crossed across her chest. “Thank you for the lesson, Mr. Montague. But I assure you I know the law.”

“In that case, you know that I’m entitled to a moment alone with my client.”

She nodded, agreeing with Montague’s words, but her eyes were on Luke.

“We will speak again,” Luke said to her. She nodded again, then stepped from the room, and realized her lips were curved with anticipation.

* * *

“Are you not afraid of the dark?”

Xavier shivered, the Dark Angel’s breath on the back of his neck like the whisper of a goddess.

“My Angel,” he said, bending his head low to show his submission. “The dark gives me strength.”

She laughed, as if delighted with his answer, then moved around the swing set to face him. Her beauty stunned him, her eyes compelling. Radiant eyes that he would follow forever.

But it was her fangs that he desired. He would become as she was—she’d promised him so. He had only to prove himself worthy, and then he would be able to take the little girls’ light with a kiss. A special kiss to the neck, and their light would be his.

He trembled with anticipation.

She lifted her wrist to her mouth then tore her flesh. “Drink,” she said, thrusting her arm toward him.

“My Angel,” he said, his heart leaping. “You would change me?”

“I would make you strong,” she said. “The change you must earn. Now drink.”

She didn’t have to ask again. His mouth closed over her wrist and he drew in the sweet, tangy taste of her blood. He drew it in and felt the power thrum through him. So much power in her, and soon, when he’d proved his worth, that power would be his, too. His to control. To wield.

He would be invincible. A true creature of the night.

And they could never again stop him from taking what he desired.

“If the dark is your strength,” she asked, swaying slightly as he drank from her, “then why do you hunt during the day?”

He drew away, his mouth tingling, his head bowed deferentially. “The females,” he said, trying to explain. “The ones who fill me up. They don’t come out at night.” He laughed, suddenly amused by his words and the situation. “There are monsters at night, you know.”

She smiled, showing her fangs as she laughed. “Where do they live? The young ones. The ones afraid of the scary, scary dark?”

“All around,” he said, his finger pointing to the darkened houses. “There is a ripe one lives there,” he added, pointing to a pretty house on the corner. A pretty house for a pretty girl.

“Then watch,” she said. “Watch and see.”

Before his eyes, she dissolved, her body fading into a pale white mist that matched the color of her gown. It moved over the park as fog then disappeared into the house, creeping through cracks and crevices. Only moments later, it returned, riding low over the ground, then rising as a whirlwind in front of him.

The whirlwind slowed, the mist took form, and Xavier found himself looking again at his Dark Angel, a sleeping girl clutched tight in her arms.

“She’s for you, Xavier.”

He couldn’t speak, so deep was his craving, and she laughed, understanding. Then she bent her head to the child’s neck, and the girl’s eyes opened in terror, her gaze fixed right on him. Seeing him. Knowing him.