Page 56 of Embrace Me Darkly

She ignored his menace. “Hard to believe Gunnolf actually trusts you to advise him.” Her green eyes narrowed. “Then again, maybe that’s why he’s not controlling the City of Angels. Yet.”

She pressed a hand onto his arm, and he growled, low and dangerous, the sound not fazing her in the least. “You think that’s it, wolf-boy? You think you’re the reason Tiberius’s constantly making your buddy Gunnolf take it up the ass?”

“You watch yourself.”

“No,” she said, her voice as low and dangerous. “You watch it. You think you have Gunnolf’s ear, and maybe you do. But I’ve got the rest of him, and you damn well know it.”

“Meeting here was a mistake.”

“I have to feed.”

“Stories I’ve heard about you, I’m surprised you don’t find a human. One nobody’d miss much.”

The corner of her mouth curved with a secret pleasure, and he wondered if he’d hit the mark. But all she said was, “I’m law-abiding. You got any proof to the contrary?”

“I don’t give a shit what you do, so long as you don’t screw Gunnolf.”

She laughed, the sound light and flirtatious, and right then she didn’t seem like a warrior but like a woman. “Too late for that.”

Hasik looked around. The other vamps were staring at them. All except one. A white-haired vampire with red eyes who was shifting in his seat, the tube going into his mouth flowing red. Whitey looked up, met Hasik’s eyes, then flashed a bloody grin. Hasik turned away. “I don’t like it down here.”


“Fuck you.”

“Such language,” she said, raising an eyebrow and sounding bored. She headed to the kiosk.

He tugged at her elbow. “We talk, I leave, you feed. I’m not sitting here while you do the suck-fest ritual.”

For a moment he thought she’d argue, then she nodded. “Whatever you say. I came to this beautiful city to work for you, right?”

“Damn straight. Gunnolf tell you the plan?”

“The basics. Said you’d run me through the full briefing. When do we start?”

“Soon,” Hasik said. The plan was beautiful, if he did say so himself. He’d pitched the idea to Gunnolf, and the pack leader had bitten right in. Sabotage that prick Tiberius, sitting all smug and happy in his London headquarters. Make it look like he couldn’t control the vamps in the LA territory. Make it look like they were running wild, feeding off humans instead of skulking around in pussified feeding stations like this goddamn place. “This ain’t gonna come out well for your kind, you know?”

Her face hardened. “I never said I claimed them as my kind.”

“What the fuck? You’re a vamp. So what’s that supposed to mean?”

She waved the question away. “Give me the deets, and let’s get on with this. I need to feed.”

“You know Feris Tinsley? Gunnolf’s lieutenant in Los Angeles?”

“I’ve met him.”

“He keeps an office in the Slaughtered Goat, a pub in Van Nuys.”

She nodded. “I know it.”

“Meet me there later. I’ll brief you.”

“Screw that. You tell me now. That’s why you came here.”

“I came to meet you,” Hasik said, standing a little straighter. “I came to make sure I could work with a female.” His lip curled. “Ain’t ideal, but you’ll do. But I don’t take orders from you, bitch. You want in on this, you come to the Goat.”

He could see the storm clouds brewing in her eyes, a rising fury that had Hasik taking a step backward.