Sara sagged with relief. Beside her, Leviathan offered a hand in congratulations, along with a hearty, “Good work, Constantine.”
At the opposite table, the defendant snarled as the bailiff came forth with the shackles.
In the gallery, the applause was deafening, as all the prosecutors and staff from Sara’s section celebrated her first trial—and victory—within Division 6.
She saw Blair flash a thumbs-up. She returned the gesture, but the man she was really looking for had already pushed through the crowd and was standing beside her at the table.
“You did good, Counselor,” Luke said, laughing after she drew back from the kiss that she swore she wouldn’t give him, not while she was at work. “Perhaps we should hit Probation before we go home to celebrate?”
She grinned, thinking back to that previous celebration that had led her into this world, and into Luke’s arms. “I can’t think of a better idea,” she said, hooking her hand in his and tugging him toward the door, following the path her boss had taken.
She clung tight to Luke’s hand as they walked back to her office. “You can’t keep it from me forever, you know.”
She cocked her head. “Whatever it is you’ve been debating telling me ever since the night I was changed.”
He closed his eyes, then shut her office door.
“Your blood, Sara. It’s not entirely human.”
She frowned, completely lost. “What are you talking about?”
“Vampire,” he said, squeezing her hand. “Sara, my love, that is why they called you Abomination those years ago. Not because your father was marked a traitor. But because you were a vampire’s child without a vampire’s power. Thousands of years ago, before the PEC, the vampire community outlawed such unions. There were stories that such creatures had access to witchcraft. To magic that was mostly lost. But that was only a tale to cover the true reason.”
“Which was?”
“They feared that the need to protect a child with no defenses would weaken the vampire even as he was needed to fight the Therian threat. It’s a foolish prejudice, but it hung on.”
She stared at him, wondering if this was some kind of a joke. But she could feel the truth inside him. “That’s all very interesting, but my father wasn’t a vampire.”
“I saw the truth in your blood, my love. You’re a dhampir. That is why you weren’t susceptible to Tucker’s mind games.”
“I have powers?”
“None other than that. At least not that I’m aware of. Most dhampirs don’t even have that.”
She nodded slowly. “Except this doesn’t make any sense. You’re the one who drained him. If my dad was a vampire, you would have known back then.”
“I know,” he said, taking her hand. “And he wasn’t. But your true father was.”
“Oh.” Her stomach twisted. “Do you know who…”
He inclined his head. “I do.”
She started to ask, then realized she didn’t have to. “Tiberius.” She closed her eyes. “My mother was in London before she married my dad. And after the Alliance issued the order to kill Frank, he ordered you to watch over me. He wanted to make sure his daughter was safe.” She closed her eyes. “My mother never told me.”
“She probably only knew that she came home from a trip to London pregnant.”
Luke was right. Tiberius would have sent her back without any memory of him.
“It might not be him. Maybe someone close to him. One of the kyne.”
Luke shook his head. “No. All the kyne drink from their leader when taking the oath. I know his blood, Sara. Tiberius is your father. Do you wish me to take you to London? Do you want to confront him? To hear his explanation? To tell him that you know the truth?”
She shook her head. “Not yet. He brought us together, and for that, I will always be grateful. But he never sought me out, and I already have a father. So, no. I have no use for him. Someday, perhaps, but not now.” She met his eyes. “You will keep my secret? You won’t tell him you know? Or that I do?”