And now the bitch had Lucius.
He washers. Not the bitch prosecutor’s.
Tasha had tried to get rid of her. She’d learned about the murderous human the bitch had trapped in a cell. Formed her plan. Played the rescuing angel for the human, the one who was almost worthy. It was a good plan. A smart one. And she’d even gotten lucky when the vampire Caris had swooped into town, drawing Luke’s attention away from the truth.
But still her plan hadn’t worked. The worthy human was dead, and the bitch was inherhouse.Herbed. WithherLucius.
Not for much longer.
From where she stood, she couldn’t see into Lucius’s bedroom. But she could see the garage, and she felt a trill of satisfaction when the door swung open and Lucius’s Mercedes purred down the driveway, cleared the gate, and took off down the street. La Jolla was nearly two hours away. Plenty of time for a little talk with the bitch. Just girl to girl.
Getting in wasn’t a problem. Lucius had changed the access code, of course, but she’d known his override code for a decade. Never bothered to mention that to him. Some secrets a girl had to keep.
The code worked as she knew it would, and Tasha was soon inside, the marble floor cool against her bare feet.
The bitch would be in the master bedroom. She’d be thinking that was where she belonged. There, in the bed, with Lucius.
She was wrong. Tasha would have to explain that to her. And as she climbed the stairs, she let the anger rise in her, the power that it gave calming her, making her strong, making her confident.
The bitch had changed, Tasha knew that, but a new vampire was weak after the Holding. Weak, that is, unless it emerged in harmony with the serpent. Then there was strength and power. So sweet. So strong. So very, very clever. Had to be clever. Let the serpent show, and bad things happened. Stakes. Blades. Had to hide inside. Had to be smart.
She climbed the stairs slowly, quietly, then padded down the hall to the doorway that stood open to Lucius’s room. The bitch was there, sitting pretty in the bed, and she looked up, eyes wide with surprise at Tasha’s presence.
“Tasha? I—are you okay? Luke just went—I thought he went to get you in La Jolla.”
“Changed my mind. Allowed to do that, aren’t I? Change my mind?”
“Sure.” She shifted on the bed, one hand holding a book, the other under the sheet. “Ah, um, do you want to call him? Tell him you’re here?”
“No, no, no.” She took a step toward the bitch. Easy. Was going to be so easy.
“You know I’m prosecuting the Braddock murder, right?” The bitch’s tone was chatty, and Tasha wanted to giggle. Death was in the room, and she didn’t even know it. “I was wondering if I could ask you something. The detectives have some questions and—”
“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.”
“Will you tell me the truth?”
“Maybe, maybe, if I like the question.”
“What did Braddock do to you?”
“Bad man. Naughty man. Said things to me. Mean things.”
“What did he say?”
“He insulted us.”
“Me and I. I and me. We are we.”
She almost laughed as the bitch frowned, trying to figure that out.
“Insulted the serpent you mean?”
She touched the side of her nose. “Clever, clever girl. But no prize for you. Clever girl’s been bad. Took what didn’t belong to her.”
“Did Braddock touch you?” the bitch persisted.