‘I don’t belong to you or anyone,’ came a wavering voice behind Callum, and he turned around to see Tara on the steps of Raigmoor, still in her whore’s dress but with a plaid wrapped around her. He had never seen anything so vulnerable, fragile and beautiful, with the sun turning her wavy hair to a golden river and her brown eyes blazing with defiance.

Cora Adler was unmoved and warmed to her grievance. ‘I paid a goodly sum for that lass to cover her bed and board at the Shaws, and I’ll not suffer to be out of pocket.’

‘How much, you old harpy?’ said Callum.

‘Fifteen guineas.’

Callum gave a snort of derision. ‘A whole army garrison couldn’t cost that much to feed for a few weeks. You are lying.’

‘Go and ask Mistress Shaw, for that is what I paid.’

Cora held out a meaty palm, and Callum shook his head. ‘Mistress Shaw has no business selling flesh for coin, and nor do you, you greedy bitch.’

The woman’s face turned sly. ‘Do I not? I see you are enjoying the lass’s company now. Such a bonnie one. Is she as good as I promised?’

‘Speak another foul word about her, and I’ll have you whipped from this place,’ snarled Callum.

‘Do your worst, Laird Ross, but I will shout what I have seen all over Inverness and beyond if you so much as touch me.’ She pointed a finger at Tara, who stood cowering on the steps of Raigmoor. ‘A lass alone at Raigmoor and unchaperoned. Looks to me like she has just crawled from your bed.’ Cora put her hands on her hips. ‘If you do not pay me, I will tell everyone she is your mistress and bring shame on her and the name of Clan Ross.’

Callum stormed up and put his face in the woman’s. ‘If you do, it will be the last time you tell anyone anything.’ He nodded at Greaves. ‘Go and fetch the money.’

‘But Laird….’ he said.

‘I said, go and fetch it.’ Callum turned back to Cora. ‘If I pay you recompense for the loss of this lass, then you will be gone, and your tongue will be still. Am I heard?’

‘Aye. As long as I have my money, you can do what you want with that lass. I am sure she will make a pleasing mistress.’

Suddenly his mind was made up. Callum took a deep breath to still his temper. ‘She will not be my mistress. She will be my wife.’

He turned to Tara, and she gasped and fled back inside Raigmoor. Callum rushed after her and caught up with her at the foot of the stairs.

‘What are you doing? Let go of me,’ she cried.

He slid his fingers from her arm and tried to calm the tumult of feeling in his chest. ‘Lass, you are helpless, alone, and you will forever be preyed upon by evil wretches like Cora. There is nothing else for it. I did not think my pride would allow me to repeat that last humiliation at your hands, but it seems my heart rules my better judgement. So, tell me, Tara. Will you have me as your husband now?’

Tara swallowed hard and looked stricken, so Callum continued.

‘I am your best chance of a good life, lass. The alternative is the gutter, with whores, thieves and villains like that one out there.’ Callum took up her hands, willing her to say yes with his eyes. ‘Surely I am a better fate than that, lass?’

Tara’s mouth fell open, her plump, soft mouth that he wanted to kiss hard and deep until she gave in, but instead, Callum forced calm into his voice.

‘If you say no, I will not ask again, but I will see you safe somewhere. So you may answer with no fear of repercussions from me, I swear. My love for you is a certainty. I carry it in my heart every day, though I have tried not to.’

She bit her lip. ‘But Callum, I cannot lie and say I feel the same.’

‘I don’t care. Love will grow. I know it. So what say you? Will you have me for your husband, properly, willingly and in every way?’

‘I…I don’t know what that means, Callum.’

‘Aye, you do.’ He was gripped by quiet determination. ‘Just say yes, Tara, please.’


As Tara sat on the bed in the gloomy chamber, waiting for Callum to come to her, she twisted the bright gold band on her finger.


How could she be, for she was not ready to be a wife? The ring slid around her finger, and she was sure to lose it, for it did not fit. Nor did she. This was not right. She was not meant to be alone in Scotland and now a Laird’s wife. How would she ever play that role?