‘And Giselle, how does she fare?’
‘When she is around me now, she is, for the most part, silent. The light has gone from her eyes as if someone has snuffed out a candle inside of her.’
‘Her ordeal was terrible, her mind and body must heal from it. You know what Banan was.’
‘I told her we were to be wed, and she seemed almost indifferent. When I took her in my arms, she recoiled from me, Cormac.’ He could hardly bear to say the words aloud, such was the shame still burning in his breast.
‘Did you did not stop to think that she might be frightened of the act.’
No, of course, I did not, because I am the world’s worst fool.’
‘No dispute there.’
‘Don’t mock Cormac, I am in torment. I thought if I killed Banan all would be well. But it is not so simple as that. The man is dead, but lives on in her mind, in her heart. I cannot drive him out.’
‘Nothing in this life is ever simple. Nothing worth having ever comes easily.’
‘What if Giselle no longer wants me?’
‘She will, one day.’
‘Easy for you to say, but what if that day never comes?’
‘Be kind, patient, Lyall. Let her come to you. You must give her time to trust in you.’
‘But she can trust me Cormac, I’ve told her that over and over.’
‘You can’t just bark it at her. You must show her with your actions, brother.’
‘We should not return to Beharra,’ said Lyall. ‘Banan took her from there, so the memories of that day will hurt her if we go back.’
Cormac turned, with dismay all over his face. ‘I thought you would bide a while, with Ravenna’s bairn coming and all. Surely there is no haste in going to Corryvreckan. I thought Owen was to go on ahead with some men and prepare the castle for your arrival?’
‘Aye, he is, so maybe we can stay at Beharra a little while at least. But, for now, I must get her out of Stirling. I will stop at Farne Abbey and see the Abbot. I would like him to marry us. I’ll have no delay. Are you coming along with us?’
‘No, I must stay awhile. King Robert has schemes he wishes to share, as always.’ Cormac turned and drew him into a bear hug. ‘I will not be far behind you, brother. I will be at your back, as always, and I know you will conquer this as I’ve yet to see you fail.’