‘Yes,’ she whispered and swiftly moved away from him.
He should not ask this of her, he knew that, but he could not help himself. All night his eyes had feasted on Giselle. This young woman drew him in, she had some power over him. Lyall recognised it as lust, and he’d never been any good at controlling his appetites in that regard. But there was something else as well. Away from Beharra, he had missed her, in a strange way. He had missed having Giselle to protect. He had missed her soft defiance and the sight of that lovely face. And he had missed his power over her.
Lyall wanted her, badly. If Giselle came to the stables to meet him, he could convince her to do anything, he was sure of it.
Owen came over to him, watching Giselle across the room.
‘She’s different.’
‘Aye, she’s clean.’
‘No, I meant she’s different with you, softer. She looks at you often. Have you finally exercised your rights and forsaken your honour, Lyall.’
‘No, I have not, for I am heartily sick of the English, so enough talk of them. Why have you come? Are we to raid again, are we off to war?’
‘I think the call will come soon enough, but I have other news.’ He lowered his voice to a whisper. ‘Lord Douglas wants you back at Stirling, and you should go, and soon, for your name is being blackened there.’
‘By whom?’
‘Who do you think? Banan has not forgotten his grievance against you, or that you stole a woman right out from under him.’ Owen glanced again at Giselle.
‘What is he saying?’
‘That you cannot be trusted, that you are not loyal. Banan questions why you turned down land and chose her instead, an English lass, who means nothing to anyone. He is even saying Giselle might be a spy.’
‘That is ridiculous. Surely Lord Douglas gives no credence to his lies.’
‘The Douglas thinks what he thinks. I am not privy to his opinion of Banan, and he would not give it freely anyway, as he wants the Clan MacGregor on Robert’s side. Very cosy they all are too, and you have made powerful enemies over that girl.’
Lyall stared over at Giselle. Was she worth it, all this strife? It didn’t really matter, he and Banan hated each other, it would always have ended this way.
‘When will Lord Douglas attack Berwick?’
‘Within the month. We have to make plans. I leave at first light, and I will press on for home and my family. Once this thing starts, who knows when I will see them again? What will you do with your English beauty if the ransom does not come by the time you go back off to war?’
‘She will remain here, as long as it takes for Baron de Villers to pay up, and I am sure he will.’
‘Aye, she is a valuable asset, bonnie and well-bred. She’ll fetch a good price on the marriage market, end up gracing the bed of some noble or other from a grand house.’
The very thought of it sickened Lyall, but he hid it from Owen. ‘Aye, and I will make sure the English pay a great price to get back such a treasure.’
‘And will you want to give her up?’
‘Of course, Giselle is nought but a burden. I will be happy to be rid of her,’ he said casually, squirming a little under Owen’s steady gaze. He was sure he was fooling no one, especially his friend, who could read him well. Best change the subject to one less dangerous.
‘I am glad you have come, Owen, as is my sister it would seem.’
‘She is a bonnie lass with lots of spirit. Why is she not betrothed, or married already?’
‘Because we haven’t found anyone brave enough, or fool enough, to take her.’
‘Surely you jest. She is sweet and kind and so very lovely,’ sighed Owen smiling over at Morna
‘My sister is nothing of the kind, and I would be very careful there, my friend.’
‘Best take your own advice, and steer clear of dangerous lasses too, Lyall.’
Lyall stole a glance at Giselle. Part of him hoped her father would not pay the ransom, and he would not be forced to send her away, back to some noble with soft hands and polished manners. Damn him for a fool. He shouldn’t be alone with her, as there was a dangerous desire taking hold of him. Every time Giselle locked eyes with him, she blushed, and he got a deal of satisfaction from making her do it.
Meeting her was the wrong thing to do, but Lyall was going to be damned and do it anyway.