‘He was terrifying. He caught us unawares, and he threatened your brother.’
‘Aye, but what I mean is, how did he look?’
‘Rough, big, vicious, and his fingers - there were two missing, on his left hand.’
‘Oh, Lord.’ Morna’s eyes widened.
‘They were just stumps, the little finger and the one beside it gone. And there was a scar on his face.’
‘Was it bad?’
‘No, a crescent-shaped one, from his temple, down his cheek.’
‘It has been years since I last saw him. Is he still handsome?’ asked Morna, a blush warming her face.
‘Some women would find him so, I suppose. He had an arrogance about him, a clever way of speaking, but I did not care for it.’
‘You like safer men, like my brother.’
‘I don’t think I like men at all, and there is nothing safe about your brother,’ she said bitterly.
‘Lyall said you were betrothed. What about this man you were to marry?’ asked Morna, curiosity bright in her eyes. ‘Do you care for him still? Do you hope he’ll come for you?’
‘No, Edric de Mawpas was hateful and did not want to wed me. I hope I never see him again. Being wife to that man would have been misery, Morna, and he would have been a cruel husband.’
‘Lyall is not like that.’
‘No. I suppose, in his way, he has tried to protect me.’
‘Aye, he would do, for he has a good heart, though I fear it has grown colder these past years. I am sorry that you find yourself here, Giselle, a prisoner, and so far from home. I was like you once, and God knows what would have happened to me had Will not set me free.’
‘Lyall said you were taken by a band of outlaws.’
‘Aye, Will was an outlaw then and, if Lyall is to be believed, he is an outlaw now. But you have to admit, he looks well.’
‘I don’t know much about men, Morna, God knows, but I am sure of this. Will O’Neill has danger written all over him. You should pray you never set eyes on him again, no matter how fine his face and no matter how sweet his tongue.’