Cormac favoured Giselle with a rare smile. ‘Eat, lass, the deer led us a merry chase and was hard to catch. Make our efforts worthwhile.’
The evening dragged on and on, and Lyall was in turmoil. He kept glancing at Giselle, drinking in the sight of her. Why could he not stop looking? When she went to stand alone, before the fire, Lyall took his chance and rushed over to join her.
‘You look very well this evening, Giselle.’
She would not look at him.
‘Ravenna and Morna pinned me down and sheared me like a sheep.’ He rubbed his stubbled chin. ‘What do you think of me, now I am clean.’
‘Even less than I thought of you when you were dirty,’ she said, staring down into the flames.
‘So, you are angry at me still.’
‘You left me alone with your family. You handed me over to strangers last night, as though I were a stray dog and walked away.’
‘What did you expect me to do? I came to you, later, to see if you were alright, but you were asleep, and I could not bear to wake you.’
He put his hand on her arm to comfort her.
‘Lyall, don’t.’
‘Are you saying you missed me?’
‘Of course not,’ she said jerking her arm away.
‘At least you got the soft bed I promised. Are you comfortable in your chamber?’
‘Am I ever to come out of it? Will you lock me up in there and forget about me.’
‘No, if you are disobedient I will beat you, and make you sleep in the stables with the dogs and horses.’
Her mouth fell open.
‘I’m jesting.’
‘Then you are hateful.’
‘Forgive me, I could not help it. The look on your face, and such a fair face it is.’
He stood for a moment, watching the light from the fire flicker over her features. Giselle looked miserable. Perhaps it was cruel to tease her.
‘Lass, I must beg forgiveness for my anger on the road here. When you compared me to Banan, I was offended, and so I was harsh with you.’
‘That was unfair of me, and I take it back.’
So, she was meeting him halfway, which surprised him as women usually nursed a grudge like they nursed a bairn.
He edged closer to her. ‘You are a vision in that dress.’
‘Don’t say such things.’
‘I can’t help it. I never saw it before, under all the muck, but you are truly beautiful, Giselle.’
‘I am a prisoner, so I suppose I have to endure your jests.’
‘I think you are becoming more than a prisoner to me, Giselle, and we both know I am not jesting.’