‘Aye, and the King knows that too. But Banan’s clan is one of the most powerful in Scotland. He can provide far more men at arms and coin to fund Robert’s war than you Buchanans. He cannot have the MacGregors turn on him. The truth of it is, our King needs Banan more than he needs you.

‘You know I cannot let it lie, Lord.’

‘Aye, I feared you could not. A wise man would have taken that land I offered, not made an enemy of Banan MacGregor over some chit of a lass. But you are not a wise man, you are an honourable fool. You will die if you go against the King’s command and do what you want to do, what every nerve in your body is screaming at you to do. So it was with me when the English dispossessed me of my title, my home and my birthright.’

‘So, what am I to do? Walk away and suffer him to have her? Is that what you would do?’

‘For a start, I wouldn’t have lost any sleep over a bloody woman. There are many more to be had if you meet disappointment over one. But I will give you this piece of advice. Wars are not won in a headlong rush for glory. They are won by patience and suffering, by resilience and cold fury. A wise man, not a foolish one like you, plans. He thinks before he acts, no matter how towering his rage and how deep his despair. Have I not told you many times, it is not the biggest or strongest dog that wins a fight, it is the one with the most hate in his belly?’

Lyall stared into the black eyes of Lord James Douglas, ruthless killer and clever manipulator.

‘If I were you, Buchanan, I would rein in my temper. Banan is leaving tomorrow, at my command, to squeeze whatever provisions he can out of the farmers hereabouts.’

‘I am sure they will contribute most generously to the war effort when Banan comes calling.’

‘Aye, they will. Sometimes his menace and violence are useful. I am sure his wife will take advantage of his absence to walk about the castle more freely. I suspect her path will take her through the castle’s grain stores. You might happen upon her there, at dawn tomorrow.’

Lyall could scarce believe his ears. ‘My Lord, I thank you with all my heart.’

‘Aye, you may happen upon her there. It may be the only chance you get to say goodbye. Berwick will be laid to siege any day now. The King’s plans are far advanced. It is a great prize to be won.’

‘I swear I will fight to my last breath for you, and for my King.’

‘We might yet demand your last breath, Buchanan, for there is no surety in the outcome of such a siege. The English garrison is well dug in, and it will be bloody, and there will be great loss, of this I am sure.’ He turned his back and poured himself a mug of ale and slung back the whole lot before he spoke again. ‘Battles are uncertain undertakings, some men die with no one to bear witness. Take my advice, play the patient game and, if your chance comes, seize it.’

Lyall walked out of Lord Douglas’ chamber wanting to weep at his own impotence. He had failed to free Giselle as he had hoped.

But he had also moved a small step forward with his vengeance, for he was sure that Lord Douglas, far too wily to say it out loud, had just given him leave to kill Banan MacGregor.