Will made sure Morna was gone before turning back to Waldrick. ‘Spill your news, my friend, and leave nothing out.’
‘Alright. I went to Stirling. They are already moving men and arms to Berwick. It is said the English are sending thousands of men to take it back. Ships are moving up the coast and making their way up river to attack the town. They can blockade it and choke the life out of it. The Bruce does not have enough men to repel them, and once they cut supply lines into the town, the garrison there will weaken.’
‘That will take time, which Edward does not have. Autumn is almost upon us and winter will be hard on its heels. His men will freeze to death and food will be scarce.’
‘He is well-provisioned, and he has mended fences with his cousin. We both know the Earl of Lancaster by reputation. ‘Tis said he covets the throne.’
‘Aye, and would make a more worthy occupant of it. He is a formidable force. If the peace between them holds, they could prove invincible. The other English nobles, what of them?
‘Rallying to Edward’s cause, the fools. This could spell defeat for Robert.’
‘What of our allies? What are they doing?’
‘Some, like Eadan, are throwing in their lot with King Robert.’
‘And our enemies?’
‘Most, like the Cranstouns, do not expect Robert to survive this latest challenge. They will await the outcome and then make peace with the victor, or stay out of it altogether, as is their way.’
Will leaned his head against the fireplace, looking deep into the flames. ‘This folly by the English King, this prideful snatch at what was taken from him, it may well be the turning of the tide for us Waldrick.’
‘I don’t understand?’
‘It is simple, my friend - time for Clan Bain to pick a side.’
Dusk was creeping in when Will found Morna in their bedchamber. Her face was grave, so Will braced himself. She came up to him and took his hands in hers. Shame gripped him, and he had to look away.
‘Tell me what is happening Will.’
‘What news I have, I fear you will not wish to here,’ he said solemnly, biting his lip.
‘Is it my brothers? Has something happened to them? Waldrick would not look me in the eye. It is bad, isn’t it?’
‘Not yet, but it could be. Waldrick has no news of your brothers as such, other than to say that Berwick will be under siege any day now. As leaders of King Robert’s army, we must assume they will be defending it with everything they have.’
‘No,’ she said, shaking her head.
‘There is no escaping it, Morna. They are warriors, so it is their place to fight, as it is mine. I have come to tell you that I will be leaving in a day or two, as soon as preparations can be made and I can rally my other ships and provision them.’
‘Leaving? Where are you going?’
‘To Berwick.’ As he said it aloud, his determination hardened. There was no escaping the storm about to break now.
‘Berwick? I don’t understand.’
‘I am going to fight, Morna.’
‘No, you are not!’ she gasped, withdrawing her hands from his.
‘I am going to find your brothers and get an audience with the King, where I will offer him my men and my ships in the coming fight. He will need them to keep control of the town.’
‘Have you gone mad? Why are you saying this? It is not your place to fight for Robert, you hate him.’
‘I am not fighting for Robert, I am fighting for you and for Clan Bain and aye, even your brothers. In the end, perhaps for Scotland herself.’