He pulled her tight to him and put his forehead to hers. ‘I care for you, woman and I am proud to call you my wife. Let us be done with your virginity. Give yourself to me, and there will be no other come between us, I swear.’
‘You say that now, but once you have had me…’
His grip tightened. ‘It is not a matter of having you, it is a matter of caring for you. Let me show you with my body how much you have come to mean to me, what you do to me, what you take from me.’
‘Take from you?’
‘Aye, you are like hemlock, slowing the senses, so that a man loses his grip on who he is and gives up that which is most dear to him.’
‘And what, pray, is that?’
‘His pride, for why else would I stand here spilling my tender words like the biggest fool. I want you, and I hope you want me back for I have a fierce need in me. It won’t be denied. I intend to have you this night and bind you to me forever.’ Will placed soft kisses along her neck and up to her ear. ‘What say you, Morna? Will you take a chance on a thief and a pirate and a liar?’
‘I would be a fool to do it,’ she said, leaning back her head as little shoots of pleasure raised goose-bumps all over her skin.
‘Fool it is then,’ he whispered as his hands found her belt and unbuckled it. He threw it aside and bunched her dress in his fists, pulling it up and over her head in a flash.
Her hair fell down around them in a dark river as their bodies and mouths crashed together as one, in a frenzy of lust.
Morna found her courage and reached for his belt. Her fingers were clumsy and shaking as she unbuckled it and Will impatiently tore his tunic off and flung it aside. Grabbing her kirtle, he pulled it off, and she heard the cloth rip in his haste to remove it.
Will lowered her down onto a fur-covered pallet on the ground. His weight was crushing at first, but then he raised himself a little to undo his braies, and there was just the slip and slide of her back against the fur as he moved against her and gently spread her legs. His manhood slipped between her thighs, iron-hard, thrilling, coaxing a hunger in her that spread like a fire through her belly. One hand took a fistful of her hair while the other moved over her face and down her chest, rough and hot until it reached her breast and cupped it firmly. As he kissed her, hard, his thumb stroked her nipple to a fever pitch of pleasure, building and building, until she gasped into his mouth and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in close.
Fingers of sea breeze whined in through the tent flap, the chill warring with the smooth heat of Will’s skin pressed to hers. Soon, the singing faded away, and her whole world was Will’s fingers, his tongue, his hands roaming over her, exploring every inch of her body.
Morna trailed her fingers along Will’s back, a smooth curve of taut muscle, and down to the swell of his buttocks, feeling them clench and strain as he moved against her. It was too much, she could bear the anticipation no longer.
She spread her legs wider. ‘Do it, Will, please, I want you so much,’ she breathed.
‘And I will,’ he said between kisses, ‘but you are a virgin, so I must be patient and do this right.’
‘I don’t to be one any more, I just want you, now.’
‘Patience my love, I am the only man you will ever have so I must make a good account of myself.’ He smiled into his kiss.
‘Oh, so you have had many women, yet I am to have but one man?’ she said, biting his lip.
He pulled back and gave her a look so fierce it gave her pause. ‘Aye, you will only have me, for if another man were to so much as touch you, I would cut him into little pieces and feed him to the fish.’ He bit her neck. ‘And then I would beat you to within an inch of your life.’
‘Do that, and you will never see me again, Bain,’ she said, digging her nails into his back.
‘I mean it, Morna. I can’t stand the thought of anyone else being with you like this.’
Morna gave him a hard, lingering kiss. ‘Best please me then, Bain, make a good showing of it, else I may stray.’
Will put a hand against the back of her knee and forced her legs wider. ‘A challenge is it? Good, for I always rise to a challenge, every part of me,’ he said as he pinned her down and sank into her.
Morna bit her lip hard to stop from crying out at the tearing pain of Will’s manhood filling her. ‘Oh, oh,’ she gasped.
‘Courage now. It only hurts at first,’ he growled. He watched her face as he pushed further inside her body, and Morna closed her eyes. His head fell against her neck, and she tried to concentrate on the singing outside the tent and the rushing sound of the ocean, as tears filled her eyes.
What a violent thing love was, painful, confusing, this feeling of losing oneself, of being filled, of being dominated. All Morna could do was cling to Will as a flood of emotions took hold. The pain subsided slowly and, as Will’s body surged against hers, tenderness came over her, frightening in its intensity, tearing at her heart. Before she knew it, she was gasping his name, over and over.
‘I love you, Will,’ she whispered as he pressed her down into the fur. ‘I love you,’ as he stiffened and strangled his cry of pleasure against her hair. ‘I love you,’ as he sank into her and she cradled his head and let her fingers slide through his hair.
‘I love you.’ Over and over, she said it, but he did not say it back. Either way, Morna did not care. She had given herself away to a dangerous man she barely knew, in a place that felt like the edge of the world. But she had never felt so alive, or so beautiful, or so proud, and she finally acknowledged that she was in love with Will Bain, completely and forever, and nothing else mattered.
Will rolled off her and pulled her against his chest, and Morna felt the rapid thump of his heart against her cheek. So, she had affected him then, if only with lust. As a quiet tear rolled down her cheek, a fierce possessiveness came over Morna, and she resolved to keep Will forever. He was hers, nothing would ever make her give him up.