She nodded, and the gates creaked open. A messenger sped out to tell Cormac to come to the castle alone. Morna had insisted on it, for she did not want Owen to accompany him. She wanted to spare him the humiliation of what she was about to do, for she owed Owen that much. Her brother’s humiliation she would have to live with.
In a matter of minutes, she saw Cormac gallop over the hill and thunder towards the castle. He pulled his horse up hard, right in front of them. When her brother’s anguished eyes met hers, Morna’s resolve almost broke, and she wanted to rush into his arms, so great was her longing to feel safe and cherished.
‘Say your words, and make it quick,’ snarled Will.
‘Drostan told you what happened to me?’ said Morna with a small smile at her brother.
‘Aye, and those responsible will pay. Anyone who hurts me or mine shall pay,’ he said, glowering at Will.
‘And Lyall?’ asked Morna.
‘Back at Corryvreckan with Giselle. He is overseeing my interests in my absence.’
‘Have the Gowans attacked?’
‘Not yet. Perhaps they think their treachery has gone undiscovered, though we are prepared for them now. If what this cur here says is true, Ramsay is dead.’
Morna looked fearfully at Will whose face was impassive. She felt as though she were between two great war-hammers crashing together.
‘Aye, Ranulph Gowan sent men to kill him, Cormac. He is gone.’
‘And unlamented by the both of us. If Drostan had not come, I would still be searching for you, as I have done since the morning you disappeared. You have no idea of the devastation caused by Ramsay’s treachery and your loss. Ravenna and Lyall have been distraught and Owen, heartbroken. He loves you, Morna. Will you not speak to him?’ Cormac shot a glare at Will.
‘She will not,’ growled Will.
Morna shook her head. ‘Please, Cormac, I cannot.’
‘Why, because this one threatens you, because he tethers you to him, like an animal?’ Cormac glared at Will. His face was all fury and murderous intent. Morna knew full well they were on a knife-edge and that violence could break out any minute.
‘I am not threatening, I am negotiating,’ snapped Will.
‘Nothing to negotiate. You have my sister. I want her back. Refuse, and I will kill you, Bain. If not here and now, then sometime soon, and if you have touched her, I will do it slowly.’
‘I’ve not hurt her.’
‘Cormac fixed his gaze back onto her. ‘Has he…have you been…?’
‘I’ve not done that either,’ snarled Will.
‘Shut your mouth, Bain,’ said Cormac through gritted teeth. ‘My sister can speak for herself.’
Morna’s face burned with shame and the lie. ‘I have not been molested, Cormac, indeed Will saved me from such a fate. He has been kind and respectful. I owe him a debt of gratitude.’
‘Are you saying Drostan was lying?’
‘Aye, he was, for I am no prisoner. He is twisted with bitterness due to his frailty. He does not see that Will has only tried to protect him all his life. You misjudge Will, truly you do.’
‘If that is so, then why is he defying me?’
Will brought his horse in closer to hers. ‘Because I don’t dance to your tune, Buchanan, and you don’t come to my keep and give orders.’
‘I do where my sister is concerned, my own flesh and blood. We can settle this like men, without unnecessary bloodshed. Face me alone, man to man, before your men and mine. Winner takes all.’
‘Agreed,’ said Will.
‘No,’ shouted Morna.
‘Fool,’ said Cormac to Will. ‘I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back, and at least I have two of them, for half of one of yours seems to be missing. Can you even hold a sword in it?’