‘You will stay put, for your own good, and Morna, until you learn to steer a ship in rough seas, you have no choice in the matter.’ He laughed. ‘It must be hard for someone like you to hear the word ‘no’.’

‘What do you mean, someone like me?’

‘I suspect you have been much indulged in your soft life, Morna, by your brothers, by any man who swoons at your bonnie face.’

‘Oh, aye, men have been a boon to me. For instance, my father betrothed me at fifteen to a weasel of a man who turned out to be in league with the Gowans and so died a traitor. My brothers constantly go off to war, and God knows, I have seen what happens on a battlefield. They face a brutal death, and I indulge myself most enjoyably during their absence, worrying for their safety, having it tear at me. When they return, they foist suitor after suitor on me, none of whom are the least bit appealing. I am the future mother of a laird, Cormac is fond of telling me, and not getting any younger. Marry, he says, before your bloom fades as if that is all I am, some delicate flower to ornament some man’s hall. Then Ramsay, a man I trusted since I was a young girl, sells me to my worst enemy. And though I long for home, when I get there, it will be more of the same, another cage, another suitor, another year watching my life turn to nothing. See how I have been indulged, Will.’

She stood up and rushed from the hall to the stares of his clansmen. Will hesitated, and then slammed his cup of ale down with a splash and a curse and followed her.

He caught up with her just as she was rushing inside her bedchamber, trying to slam the door. Will blocked it with his foot and pushed her aside to enter.

‘I did not give you leave to depart my hall. I am Laird here, and you will show some respect.’

‘I have none to show.’

‘Calm down, Morna, or you will end up in a crying fit.’

‘I never cry, and if all you have are more orders, you may leave.’

Her face was wild with anger, pink-cheeked, eyes glaring, mouth open in dismay.

‘Lie with me,’ he said in a rush. ‘Come to my bed and work off some of that rage underneath me. Your hardness stirs my blood, Morna, I won’t deny it. Perhaps I have finally met my match. When I look at you, it puts such a fire in my belly. I wanted you all those years ago, when we first met, and I want you still.’

She shook her head and laughed as if he had said something amusing. ‘No!’ she exclaimed, followed by, ‘Never, not if you were the last man on God’s earth.’

‘Take your time and think on it.’

‘You are a fool, a mad fool to ever suppose I would do that with you. And if you try to force me, then I shall murder you in your sleep.’

‘I don’t doubt it, Morna, though I have no need of forcing here, do I? Tis just a matter of time before you give in to your baser instincts, for you long for me I am sure of it. There was a good deal of wanting behind that kiss of yours.’

‘You arrogant, cockerel of a man, strutting around this castle as if you own every woman in it. Well, you do not own me, and you never shall so just go away and leave me alone.’

Will looked down at the ground, trying to dampen his frustration. God, he wanted her. It seemed like an age since he had been inside a lass, perhaps that was why he was acting like a fool, showing his weakness.

‘I think once you know me better, you will warm to me. Come out with me tomorrow, we will take a ride around Bain lands, and you can get free of your prison.’

‘Do you think I will swoon and lift my skirts at the very sight of your vast lands?’

‘I have other vast things which may interest you more.’

‘You are disgusting, and I want to go home, Will’ she said, like a petulant child, as if saying it over and over she would get her way.

Will sighed. ‘Listen to me, woman. You are in peril from Ranulph Gowan, don’t be naive about it. If he strikes at your clan like this, who knows what he is capable of? I like you too much to put your life in jeopardy by letting you go home alone in this present danger, so you will stay until your brothers fetch you. So, what say you, Morna, do you want to get out of this room or not? The price for that is my company for a few hours, and I swear I will not lay a hand on you.’

She bit her lip and frowned. ‘I will think on it,’ she said, tilting her chin up defiantly.

Will bowed low and left the room. As the door thudded shut behind him, he smiled. Tomorrow, he would have Morna Buchanan all to himself, away from prying eyes. For the first time in many months, he was actually looking forward to something, and it definitely included putting his hands all over her.

Chapter Nine

‘He is a headstrong beast, are you sure you can manage him?’ said Will as the huge, chestnut stallion tossed its head, showing the whites of its eyes and chomping on its bit.

‘I can more than manage him, so shall we get on.’ Morna kicked the beast’s flanks as her heart lifted at being free of the confines of gloomy Fitheach castle.

‘Give him a firm hand until we are well away from these cliffs for he’s devilish fast, but foolhardy,’ shouted Will.

Morna spurred her horse forward relishing the wind on her face and the pounding of the stallion’s hooves. He was strong-willed and tricky to manage, but she was an excellent rider, and his wildness thrilled her. She glanced over at Will as he came alongside.