Morna frowned. ‘Your clan, the Bains, are they powerful hereabouts, feared?’

‘Aye, we are, and Will especially, though you have no need to fear my cousin for it is plain he likes you. I’ve scarcely ever seen him show so much interest in a lassie’s welfare.’

Morna’s face grew hot, and she turned away. ‘Your cousin saved me once before, so it is not the first time I have owed him my life. I must say he has certainly come a long way since last I saw him.’

‘When was that?’

‘I encountered him a few years ago when he was a penniless outcast, and now he is a Laird, with all this at his feet. I must ask him how he managed it.’

‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Morna.’

‘Why not?’

‘You won’t like the answer, that is, if you get a straight one. Best not to get on the bad side of my cousin, those who do pay a high price.’

‘Drostan, if you have something to say, then say it and stop talking in riddles.’

The young man turned from the fire and came at her in a rush. For an instant, Morna was fearful, for his eyes were wild and full of turmoil. His voice fell to a whisper.

‘You want to know how Will became Laird, then I will tell you? He waded through a river of blood to do it.’

‘Don’t say that.’

‘Why, because you don’t want your hero to be tainted, is that it? Well here is the truth of it. Will cut down my father, here, in this very hall, just where you are standing, right in front of me and before the entire clan that he had ruled for a generation. That is how Will became Laird of the Bains.’

‘Are you saying he murdered his own uncle? Why would he do that?’

‘Because he wanted my step-mother warming his bed. They were lovers you see. Will took a sword and drove it into my father’s heart then he dared the clan to challenge him, and none would, the cowards. The true Laird here was Fearchar Bain, but now his blood it soaked into the dirt between the very stones you are standing on, and I am denied my birthright.’

‘This is cosy,’ said a rough voice from the back of the hall. Morna’s world spun around, her heart picked up its beat.

Will was leaning up against an archway in the shadows at the back of the hall.

Chapter Seven

How much had Will heard? How long had he been stalking them in the shadows? Morna glanced at Drostan, who swallowed hard, his face becoming even more pallid.

‘You should have awakened me, Morna,’ said Will, coming casually forward. There was a glint of malice in his eyes, and he had tied his unruly hair back from his face, which made him harsher somehow.

‘And you should not have put yourself in my bed,’ she retorted, thinking attack the best form of defence.

Drostan looked from one to the other of them with alarm and some outrage at her revelation. There was a tense silence as Will glared at Morna.

‘I…I was showing Morna around Fitheach,’ Drostan sputtered.

It was as if Drostan were invisible.

‘I sought only to comfort you, Morna, should your nightmares return,’ said Will, frowning.

‘You took liberties, and you know it,’ replied Morna. ‘But it seems it is in your nature to do so.’

Will smiled, and it was bitter on his face. ‘Don’t presume to know my nature, Morna Buchanan. Has my cousin been educating you with his unique view of the world? Has he been sharing his little secrets and turning your head?’

‘Will, I sought only to make our guest feel welcome, and you should not speak to Morna like…’

‘Scurry back to your nest now, little rat,’ said Will quietly. It would have been less intimidating if he had shouted.

Drostan hesitated for a moment and, with a last worried look at Morna, he hurried off.