Page 16 of Abstract Passion

It’s now or never. Devlyn’s here. You can do this.

I set my bowl down on the table, not a bite taken. Mom looks at me with a furrowed brow and questions on the tip of her tongue.

“Mom, Dad.” My eyes shift from them to Micah and Peyton then back. “Devlyn and I have some news.” Unlike the last few times I announced something important, I wait until no one has food in their mouth.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Dad asks as he sets his bowl on the table.

IfeelMicah’s intense laser focus on me, but ignore it and push forward. Taking Devlyn’s hand, I intertwine our fingers and form an invisible barrier to keep us strong.

“I’m pregnant.”

The room goes silent. Scary silent. No one moves. No one says a word. But four sets of eyesstareat us. Hard. As if searching for answers as to how and when and why.

I understand why they’re in shock. Hell, we were in shock too. But I at least expected Mom to be a bit more vocal and bouncy. How long has she been harping me and Micah for grandchildren? Close to two years.

My eyes land on her face and all I see is confusion and emptiness. And it is so disconcerting.

“Someone please say something,” I whisper, although it filters through as a scream.

Of all the people I expected to speak up first, it wasn’t Peyton. “Congratulations.” She rises from her seat, sets her bowl on the table and walks across the room. Bending at the waist, she hugs me and Devlyn in turn. “Just give them a minute,” she whispers between us and I nod.

The second she lands in her seat, it is as if a switch flipped. Micah pipes up next, his eyes glassy as he searches mine. “Are you happy?”

I love that this is his only concern. After all our conversations about relationships, my virginity, and how we both felt about the future, neither of us spoke deeply on the topic of children. Before Peyton, both of us were unsure. Once he and Peyton were serious, they’d decided to forgo starting a family. I fully supported my brother and Peyton’s decision. Mom was harder to convince.

Last Micah knew, though, I was a virgin. Devlyn and I had been dating, but my brother knew I wouldn’t take that major step easily. So this news also tells him how deeply I care for Devlyn. That he is much more than just another guy to date. After several conversations about my love life, or lack thereof, he knew no one fit the bill. Made a big enough impact for me to want more. My brother knew I’d been waiting for the right person.

“Yeah, big brother.” I twist and lock onto my favorite shade of green. Lift Devlyn’s hand to my lips and kiss his fingers. “I am.”

“You know I had to ask.”

I face him and smile. “I know.”

“Are you getting married?”

Beside me, Devlyn stiffens. Can’t say I blame him. If I were in his shoes, I would too. Mentally, I was prepared for such radical questions. Mom had peppered me and Micah with them for years. But I didn’t quite prepare Devlyn, and that is on me.

“Nicole!” Dad shakes his head as his eyes widen at her. “Not the time.”

Thanks for the rescue, Dad.

I lean into Devlyn and wait for his frame to relax. One, two, three breaths pass before his muscles soften beneath my touch.

“Better?” I whisper and he hums. “No offense, Mom, but Devlyn and I have more important priorities to consider right now.” My tone is gentle and nonconfrontational. “We’re still adjusting to the news ourselves.”

“Have you been to the doctor?” she asks, her eyes softening at the edges.

This we can handle. Simple conversations about the pregnancy. Without asking, my parents have to know I am not that far along. Even if Devlyn and I had gotten pregnant early in December, I’d only be a few weeks further into pregnancy. Not enough for the naked eye to notice.

For the next hour, we finish our dessert, discuss doctor’s appointments, and how pregnancy was for Mom. My pregnancy may be completely different from Mom’s, but knowing her experiences gives me insight on how mine may go. After all, I favor her more than Dad.

When it’s time to exchange hugs and goodnights, Mom makes me promise to check in after each appointment. She also tells me to update her more often. She won’t admit it outright, but the double whammy tonight—meeting Devlyn and learning about the baby—caught her off guard. Probably bruised her heart.

My intention wasn’t to hurt her. I wanted to wait until the time felt right for me and Devlyn. In this one thing, I should get to be a little selfish. Devlyn too.

After an endless hug from both my parents at the same time, the four of us head for our cars. We stop between the two cars and fumble over what to say next. Surprisingly, Devlyn is the first to break the silence.

“You should both come over for dinner one night.”