Page 85 of Submissive Lies


His hand closed around my throat.

“You like that, don’t you? You like how that fucking feels.”

I keened out my approval. Did I like this? Fuck yes, I liked this. It had been so long since someone had held me this way. Had treated me this way in bed. It felt good in a way that made the entirety of me quiver. A way that at one time I was certain I would never feel again.

I could feel his cock brushing against my thigh. So close to an entrance that was already coated thick with arousal. I looked up into hooded eyes, brows that closed until they were dark slits. The fingers tightened, the smile cruel.

“You want that cock inside you.” The hand gripped my neck ruthlessly. “You want me to fuck you with this cock, don’t you?” He leaned closer, voice hissing in my ear. “Don’t you!”

I wanted to speak. To tell him yes, sir, yes, please! But I couldn’t find my voice. I couldn’t form the words. All I could do was nod, my eyes pleading.

Yes! Please. Please!

His lips brushed against my ear.

“Well that’s too fucking bad. Only good girls get fucked. Lying, cheating sluts…” The fingers squeezed. “Get.” I felt my vision go black. “Nothing!”

I screamed. I shot up in bed, gasping in sharp staccato breaths as I fought to choke back another cry. There was no man. I was alone. I sucked in a lungful of air, my heart pounding as if to escape my chest. My sheets tangled around me in a sweaty mass.

God dammit! Not this again!

It was the third time this week. The third time. Nearly always the same dream. The same nightmare. I could never see the man clearly. But I knew who it was. Who it was supposed to be.


He was the man haunting me in those dreams. The ones which had started the night after I’d received his letter.

And today was the day I was going to meet him.

I was still in a tee shirt and underwear when I glanced over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 12:45pm. I groaned. The arrangement I’d made was to have a late lunch with Steve at 2:30. I planned for a minimum of thirty minutes travel time to get the restaurant, just to be safe. I needed to get my ass in gear. Time to put my game face on, get dressed in the clothes I’d picked out, make-up applied, and then out the door. I caught a flash of something from my nightstand. The message light on my cell phone blinking.

I froze.

It hadn’t been doing that before I’d gotten in the shower. I was positive of that. It was blinking now, and for a moment I couldn’t move. Thoughts scattered through my head like windblown leaves. He’s changed his mind. He’s texting me to cancel. A note to tell me he’ll e-mail me later to outline just how much he despises me.

Yep. Right down that rabbit hole.

I walked over to the phone. Picking it up as if it would strike me the moment I touched it, I thumbed open the screen. Two text messages. I tapped the button.

Afternoon, Jen. Just checking in to make sure we’re still on for 2:30. Also, could you check this map link and let me know if I have the correct place? Greatly appreciated. Steve.

The next message was a Google Maps link that showed the location of the restaurant I’d chosen to meet at.

The breath I’d been holding came out in a whoosh of relief. I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face. This was the Steve I remembered. Ever the Marine, ever the Dom, ever the engineer he’d once been. I tapped out my response.

Sorry for the delay. Yes, we’re still on. I’ll be there at 2:30. The map is perfect. There should be parking in a lot up the hill right behind the restaurant. I’ll see you there. Jen.

I hit SEND, and then set the phone down.

Okay, okay, calm down, Jen. Everything’s fine. Nothing’s changed. He was just checking in. Steve being the Steve you knew.

I blew out my breath, stood with my hip leaning against the edge of the bed.

Okay, no time for standing around. You have stuff to do. Now. So. Get. Moving.

I was glad I left the apartment when I did. I hadn’t considered how bad traffic would be heading into Dana Point on a Saturday. When I finally made it to the parking lot I glanced quickly at my watch. 2:17. Okay, good. Still ahead of schedule. I was fine.