Once I had everyone situated, I moved to the front reception desk, waiting to answer any questions that might arise. The crew continued to work, completing the final adjustments and wipe-down of the properties. A quarter hour slipped by before Steve approached, coming up beside me.
“Is there anything we can help with, Ms. Boyd?” His voice was quiet, relaxed.
“Hmm.” I didn’t turn to look at him, but my head swiveled, eyes scanning the booth and the salespeople spread about. “It doesn’t look like it right now, Mr. Freiss.”
“Things going well?”
“So far.”
“Okay. Let me know if there is anything you need from us. We’re going to keep wiping down.”
“Thank you.”
I remained at the desk, waiting patiently, but aside from a few minor questions there was very little that needed taking care of. The more seasoned salespeople had their act down, and spent most of their time talking amongst themselves, or looking around at our competitors. The newer folks seemed excited at the prospects our exhibit held for them. In some cases, they seemed a little overwhelmed, and I did my best to put them at ease. By 6pm I saw nothing but satisfied looks as they began to gravitate together at the center of the exhibit, chatting. I waited until they were all together before I walked from the desk to confer with them.
“So… everyone happy? Things looking good?”
“Outstanding job as always, Jennifer.” Andrew gave me a broad smile, glancing around the exhibit one more time.
“Thank you.” I dipped my head in quiet recognition, returning his smile.
“Yes, thank you!” Tracy’s chipper voice chimed in. She was practically bouncing on her toes. “This is going to be such a great show!”
“Well, that’s what we’re here for. I think it is going to be a really good show too.”
“Listen, Jennifer…” Andrew made a casual wave to the group behind him. “We’re going to head out and get some dinner. Would you like to join us?”
“Oh, thank you so much.” I gave him a weary smile, spreading my hands in regret. “But—honestly—I’ve had a couple of long days, so if you guys won’t be offended, I think once I’ve gotten everything buttoned up here, I’m just going to go back to my room and crash.”
A couple of the people made sympathizing noises as I finished. “Oh! Is there anything we can do to help?” Tracy jumped in with the rest, looking about as if she could fix whatever needed doing by sheer willpower. She seemed nice, and appeared sincere, but I was beginning to feel like telling her not to try so hard.
“No, no, it’s fine.” I smiled, waving them off with a dismissive gesture. “It’s just last-minute stuff I need to take care of before I cut the crew. Please. Go have dinner. Enjoy yourselves. I’ll be alright.”
There were understanding smiles and nods from the gathered salespeople. I could tell from the general reactions they weren’t going to press me too hard to join them. The realization that I’d done it, gotten away from the dinner obligation I’d feared, sent a balloon of elation floating up inside me. I kept up the façade of weariness as they stared at me with sympathy, even as a part of me wanted to sway in a little dance of joy. Andrew made one last half-hearted attempt, asking again if I was sure I didn’t want to join them. After assuring him I appreciated the offer, the group gave me another round of thanks for all I’d done before they moved out of the booth. I stood and watched with an ever-increasing sense of euphoria as they drifted off into the hall, chatting amongst themselves. I finally gave into some of that delight, bouncing on my toes as the last of them disappeared from sight. Once they were completely gone, I whirled in delight to take in the relative silence of the now empty booth.
I’d done it. I was free.
Not long after they’d left, Steve, Keith and the other worker approached me, glancing around to see if it was only us remaining in the space.
“Everything good, Ms. Boyd?” Steve scanned my face, head tilted to one side.
“Yep.” I nodded, glancing around me. “I think we’re good. Let’s lock everything up and call it a night.”
They moved off, going around the exhibit and securing all the cabinet doors, shutting off the lights and monitors. I did my own last pass through the space, making sure that there wasn’t anything I’d missed earlier. Once we’d all circled the booth insuring everything was locked up for the night, we gathered together by the desk.
“OK, gentlemen. I think we’re done. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it.”
They nodded in gratitude, grinning at each other and then at me.
“No problem, Ms. Boyd. Glad things went well.” Steve’s voice was cool and professional, no hint of anything like the suppressed excitement I was feeling.
“Well, I’m going to go grab my stuff and head out. I’ll see everyone at 7am?” I glanced at the three of them in turn.
“Yes ma’am,” they said in unison.
“Alright, then.” I bent to gather up my things, shoving them in my bag. I tried not to let it show, but my hands were jittery with excitement as I moved. “You guys have a great evening.”
As I finished, Keith and the other worker headed out of the booth, toolboxes in tow. Steve was standing nearby, his own tool caddy in hand, and I saw him steal a look towards Keith’s back. He turned to face me, and I froze, watching as he walked in my direction. During the day we had both kept things professional towards each other. That ended the moment Steve stopped in front of me. As he stood there looking down, heat and desire radiated outwards from him. It enveloped me. A physical presence that gripped me, made my back taut with tension. His aura was pure male, and I breathed it in. Lowering my eyes, I looked down to the carpet at my feet.