I whimpered as those nails bit into my skin. I squirmed, bringing my legs up and hooking them around him. He moved to nest in tighter between my thighs, the remaining wetness from my climax sticky against his skin. He shifted, pushed forward, the tip of his erection coming to rest against me.
Steve slid inside me. Entered me with no hesitancy, none of that first-time awkwardness. It was as if he was flowing into me, filling me as if he had been there before. Belonged there. I lay back, my hips pushing up to meet him, gasping. It felt so good, so very good. He had called me perfect moments before, and now I was determined to return that sentiment to him. I did not use words, however. I let him know in the cry I released as he bottomed out inside me, pinning me with his weight to the bed. I made him feel it in my legs wrapping around him, drawing him in tightly. My wrists were still bound, but I shifted my arms above my head, clutching at the twisted covers. Steve’s shaft began a steady glide in and out of me, hard flesh sliding against slippery warmth. The head of his cock pushed deep into me, my body welcoming it as he picked up a steady rhythm that I matched. His gaze as he stared down at me was one of pure, raw lust. His eyes danced to every twitch my body made. When they focused on my face at the torrent of whimpers and cries I let out, he showed me he recognized how much I wanted this. Needed it. His thrusts picked up speed, driving into me deeper. The tension of his straining muscles signaled his coming release. One I so desperately wanted to see as I pulled it from him. My hands ached to grip him, to rake long red lines down his back. Wrists still bound, they simply thrashed against the bed. His jaw flexed with effort, a grunt for every deep thrust he made. His cock spread me open. Filled me until my pussy was swollen and slick, walls gripping at his length. I was too focused on Steve for another orgasm. Too centered on giving to him what he had given to me. His strokes increased in speed, building towards the inevitable.
He pistoned into me hard, thighs slamming into mine. The sound of our bodies coming together was sharp, a noise similar to his hand on my ass earlier. He drove me into the bed as his thrusts became forceful but erratic. His cock swelled inside me to the point where I knew he would soon explode. His back arched as his hips hammered down against me. My hips pushed up to meet him, forcing our bodies tight to one another. He gave a deep grunt between clenched teeth as I felt him kick inside me. There was a second pulse, then a third. His hips plunged forward to each one. His grunt gave way to a groan that drew out to the final pulses of his climax. Excitement flushed my skin, and I cried out with pleasure at the feel of him coming. My voice mixed with the rumbles that came from deep in his chest. He felt so good, so wonderful, so amazing in this moment. Steve’s body came to rest above me, hips still pressing down, both of us sheened in sweat. The pulsing of his cock inside me subsided, each throb expanding against my walls less and less until it stilled altogether. He did not pull out but remained joined with me, cooling skin against mine, his chest falling back into a steady rhythm as he regained control of his breathing. He stared down at me, and his expression shifted from one of fierce concentration to gentle adoration, the corners of his eyes crinkling to accent the contented smile that spread across his face. His fingers moved to my cheek, gently stroking me.
“Good,” he asked softly, tracing the line of my jaw.
“Mmm. Yes, sir. Good. Very, very good.”
“I’m losing my touch.”
“Hmm?” I looked up, brow furrowing into creased folds between eyes that narrowed with confusion.
“If I was on top of my game, you’d have come a second time. I’ve spent too much time skiing and working lately. Not enough time watching porn or in the bathroom, practicing…”
At first I couldn’t speak, and then looking up into his twinkling eyes, I was suddenly laughing.
“Oh my God, Steve—” I bit down on my lower lip, cutting myself off.
“Well, it’s true!” He chuckled as he stared at me, eyes bright, and then his shoulders hitched up in a shrug. “Well, that, and you are so fucking beautiful, and gorgeous, and sexy that there was no way I could have held out any longer.”
“Thank you, si—Steve.” I bit down on my lip hard and felt tears at the back of my eyes. The cocktail of all the emotions swirling around inside me from what we had just done, this beautiful, simple joyous act bubbled up to the surface at his praise. It was such a simple thing, so easily given between two people who were like-minded, and yet, in my current state, it meant so much more than I could articulate with words.
I reached my hands up to him, but still bound, I realized that I couldn’t do what I wanted to at that moment—to wrap my arms around him, pull him to me, and kiss him hard. To tell him with words and actions how extraordinary all this was to me. Instead, I lay there with them pushed to his chest, silent, smiling, my lip quivering. He stared down at me, still firmly planted between my legs. He leaned back, took my wrists in his hands and slowly undid the tie which had held them bound. When he finished, he let it fall, gathering up my hands in his, looking down at me.
“You are incredible.”
It had been a long time since I had felt that way as a submissive. The shiver that raced up my spine was because Steve had made it easy to feel incredible.
And in that moment, I did.