Page 50 of Love Me Like You Do

Once he got the water nice and warm, he tipped her head back, readying it for the shampoo. Since he didn’t have a cup, he used his hands. In the quiet of the bathroom, the only sound the splashing of water, he figured he’d take the opportunity to weigh in with her. “I’m glad I got to see your house.” He’d read that to make sense of the world, kids made things up, which made it important to get them talking. What if they got it in their heads that their parents had gone on vacation and intentionally didn’t come back? He’d try to get her to open up so he could clarify things.

When she didn’t answer, he tried a different track. “You excited about Christmas?” If it didn’t work, he’d let it go for tonight.

“Yes.” That brought a smile.

“I want to be sure it’s fun for you guys. Is there anything in particular your family liked to do?”

“Daddy plays music all day long, and Mommy does this.” She screwed up her face and shook her fist. “‘Turn itoff.’”

He loved seeing her animated. “Are you talking about Christmas carols?”

She nodded. “He loves them.”

“And your mom couldn’t stand them?”

“Mostly just because he played them all day long. But then, he’d play her favorite song, and they’d start dancing.”

“What was her favorite?”

She hummed a tune, but he had no idea what it was.

“Yeah, your parents loved each other very much. And you…” He tipped her chin so he could look into her eyes as he rinsed out the shampoo. “You’re what all that love made. So, you’re just a big ole bundle of love.”

After he’d finished bathing her, he grabbed a towel and wrapped her up in it. Holding her closely, he looked right into her eyes and saw a lost, scared little girl. “I got you, little one, and Hailey’s got you, too. I don’t know how just yet, but I promise you, it’s going to be all right. I’m going to make sure of it.”

The girl let out a huff of breath and tipped her head onto his arm, and he held her like that for a long time.


The next morning,Hailey set her alarm, determined to make the process of getting Paisley to school way less dramatic. She’d seen the detangler on the Leesons’ bathroom counter, and she’d also grabbed some elastics that she knew from experience worked well with thick hair. She also checked the most recent family portraits to see what styles the girls liked.

All set, she peered into their bedroom. The covers were flung back, the sheets a tangled mess, nightgowns on the floor, and the bathroom light was still on.

No girls.Huh.

Curious, she hurried downstairs to find all three of her roommates in the kitchen, dressed and ready for the day.

The girls were eating toaster waffles slathered in peanut butter. The little black dots on top looked suspiciously like chocolate chips. Why did that look so tasty? They chatted easily, Cole with his back to the island—closer than before but still not sitting with them—and the sisters tucked in tightly to the table, their legs swinging in and out.

Most notably, Paisley’s hair was beautifully braided.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Coledid that?

Hailey pulled out her phone to record the best center in the country eating waffles with two little girls.

Finished, she pocketed her phone and entered the room. “Well, good morning. How is everyone?”

“Look, Cole braided my hair.” Paisley held them both out.

“I see that. It looks beautiful.” She smiled at Cole and mouthed,Wow.

“He gived me shock-let chips.” Evvie had peanut butter smeared around her mouth and melted chocolate on her fingers.

“Hm.” She approached the table. “I want to find that revolting, but it looks really good.”

“If you want me to make you one, just ask.” Cole had a certain gleam in his eyes. “I like when women ask for what they want.”